Fraud fighter: my fables and foibles

Fraud fighter: my fables and foibles

Wells, Joseph T.

35,25 €(IVA inc.)

A collection of insightful, poignant, and humorous stories from Dr. Joseph Wells, the world's foremost fraud expert—with gutsy revelations of his own past mistakes From his dysfunctional childhood in rural Oklahoma; his service in the U.S.Navy; a brief stint in public accounting followed by a career in the FBI; and founding the world's largest anti-fraud organization, Wells' colorful life experiences were preparation for his rise to one of the globe's most revered antifraud experts. Written by the preeminent antifraud authority and founderand Chairman of the ACFE Offers a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the life of one of the most influential white-collar crime experts of our time At aperiod when dishonesty at top U.S. companies is dominating public attention, The Fables and Foibles of a Fraud Fighter is a surprisingly frank and grippingmemoir from an unsurprisingly effective fraud fighter.This autobiography forms a full tapestry of a life, displaying wit, intrigue, trepidation, regret, and finally, ultimate victory. INDICE: Prologue. CHAPTER 1 My First White-Collar Crime Case: Age 28. The Early Years: To Age Six. At Sea, Off Scotland: 19 Years Old. My Dysfunctional Youth: Ages 6-12. Fred G. Robin, III: Age 29. Living on Less: Ages 12-14. Robin's Rump Roast Rip-Off: Age 30. Not a Fashion Maven: Ages 13-15. CHAPTER 2 Midland: Age 28. Being Dirt-Poor in the Land of Poor Dirt: Ages 14-16. A Gang of Thieves: Age 29. Looking Beyond High School: Ages 15-16. The Suicides: Age 29.High School: Age 16. Kevin KevBomb Flint: Age 33. Falling in Love the First Time: Age 16. Roger Corday: Age 34. Falling Apart in High School: Age 17. Savedby Bill, Margaret and Tina. The Best Looking Girl in High School: Age 17. Losing My Credentials: Age 32. CHAPTER 3 Off to the Navy: Age 17. Jim Warner: Age36. I Left My Heart: Age 18. Ireland: Ages 19-21. Back to Oklahoma: Age 22. Fooling Around: Age 23. The Packrat: Age 41. The First Marriage: Age 24. Going to College: Age 24. CHAPTER 4 Something's wrong at the CIA: Age 38. The Evil Weed: Age 25. The Wonderful World of Auditing: Age 26. Becoming a G-Man: Age 27. The FBI Academy: Age 27. My Second Marriage: Age 28. Down in the West Texas of El Paso: Age 29. CHAPTER 5 New York: Age 30. The New York Office. Herman Simon Klegmeir: Age 30. Edgar M. Brodine, Jr.: Age 31. The Payoff. Thinking likean Accountant. Enter the Okie: Age 31. John N. Mitchell, Crooked Lawyer. Lies, Lies and Damn Lies. CHAPTER 6 Jackson, Here I Come!: Age 33. William G. Burgin, Jr.: Age 34. George S. Sewell, Jr. James Beauregard Turner. Sally Mulcasey. Laying a Trap. Roxanne Hurley. Sally vs. Roxanne. Finally, a Break. Mata Hari. Complicated Relationships. My Next Move. Learning Development Corporation. Digging for Dollars. Predication. Fred St. John. Lay Down, Sally. Follow the Money. A Fishing Expedition? Flavous Lambert. Goodbye, Roxanne. Confronting Burgin. Mulcasey and Sewell. The Grand Jury. Meeting Judy the First Time: Age 34.The Burgin-Lambert Trial: Age 35. CHAPTER 7 Austin and Beyond: Age 35. Meeting Judy the Second Time: Age 36. The Love of My Life. Branching Out: Age 37. Ending my FBI Career: Age 38. CHAPTER 8 Wells Boy Wonder: Age 50. Learning from Crooks. Fifteen Minutes of Fame. Still Growing: Age 52. Staying Put. Moving Sideways: Age 53. Starting Some Serious Fraud Research: Age 54. An InternationalPresence: Age 55. CHAPTER 12 Me, My Addictions and Me: Ages 14-63. Fear of Flying: Age 38-55. Jim Ratleys Hobbies. Soloing Again: Age 62. Crashing but not Burning. Adrenaline Junkie. Starting in Higher Education: Ages 58-62. The Cliff Robertson Sentinel Award: Age 62. The Law Enforcement Partnership: Age 63. The Good Life: Age 65. Writing, Writing, Writing: Ages 55-65. The Future: Age 65 and Up. Postscript. Index.

  • ISBN: 978-0-470-61070-1
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 368
  • Fecha Publicación: 18/05/2011
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés