Supervision in the Hospitality Industry

Supervision in the Hospitality Industry

Walker, John R.
Miller, Jack E.

236,60 €(IVA inc.)

Supervision in the Hospitality Industry, 8th Edition focuses on the different roles of employees from beginning leaders, newly promoted supervisor, or anyone planning a career in the hospitality field. A market leader, this text is widely used by thousands of students training for a career in the hospitality industry and current hospitality supervisors alike. Supervision is unique in that it does not solely rely on the supervisor s point of view; instead, it considers the viewpoints of all levels of associates to create an informed picture of management and supervision in the hospitality industry. INDICE: Preface .Chapter 1: The Supervisor as Manager .The Supervisor?s Role .Obligations and Responsibilities of a Supervisor .Functions of Management .Theories of People Management .Managerial Skills .Tips for New Supervisors .Chapter 2: The Supervisor as Leader .Characteristics of Leaders .The Nature of Leadership .Choosing a Leadership Style .Developing Your Own Style .Ethics .The Supervisor as Mentor .Chapter 3: Planning, Organizing, and Goal Setting .The Nature of Planning .Types of Plans and Planning .Planning for Change .Planning Your Own Time .Organizing for Success .Chapter 4: Communicating Effectively .The Importance of Good Communication .Why Communication is So Important .Obstacles to Good Communication .Listening .Directing People at Work .Business Writing .Meetings .Chapter 5: Equal Opportunity Laws and Diversity .Equal Opportunity in the Workplace .Equal Employment Opportunity Laws .EEO Laws and the Hiring Process .Equal Opportunity in the Workplace: What Leaders Need to Know .Why Does Cultural Diversity Matter? .How to Increase Personal Awareness .How to Recognize and Practice Cross–Cultural Interaction .Establishing a Diversity and Inclusion Program .Managing Diversity Issues Positively .Chapter 6: Recruitment, Selection, and Orientation .The Labor Market .Determining Labor Needs .Recruiting .Selecting the Right Person .Negligent Hiring .Orientation .Chapter 7: Performance Effectiveness .Performance Improvement .Performance Standards .What a Good Performance Standard System Can Do .Setting Up a Performance Standard System .Implementing a Performance Standard System .Essentials of Performance Evaluation .Making the Evaluation .The Appraisal Interview .Follow–Up .Legal Aspects of Performance Evaluation .Chapter 8: Motivation .Employee Expectations and Needs .Motivation .Theories of Motivation .Applying Theory to Reality: Limiting Factors .Building a Positive Work Climate .Focus: The Individual .Motivational Methods .Focus: The Job––Providing an Attractive Job Environment .Focus: The Leader .Chapter 9: Supervising Teams, Teambuilding, and Coaching .What is a Team? .Working Together .Building Teams .Installing Total Quality Management .Empowering Employees .Overcoming Team Challenges .Coaching .Chapter 10: Employee Training and Development .Importance of Training .Who Will Do the Training? .How Employees Learn Best .Developing a Job–Training Program .Retraining .Overcoming Obstacles to Learning .Turnover and Retention .Chapter 11: Conflict Management, Resolution, and Prevention .What is Conflict? .Conflict Management .Conflict Resolution .Workplace Violence .Conflict Prevention .Chapter 12: Discipline .Essentials of Discipline .Approaches to Discipline .Administering Discipline .Termination .Employee Assistance Programs .Employee Safety .Harassment .The Supervisor?s Key Role .Chapter 13: Decision Making and Control .Decision Making .How to Make Good Decisions .Problem Solving .Building Decision–Making Skills .Controlling .Chapter 14: Delegating .What Delegation Means .Essentials of Delegation .Benefits of Delegation .Why People Resist Delegation .How to Delegate Successfully .Glossary .Index

  • ISBN: 978-1-119-14846-3
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 400
  • Fecha Publicación: 13/11/2017
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés