Prophetic literature: from oracles to books

Prophetic literature: from oracles to books

Troxel, Ronald L.

71,83 €(IVA inc.)

Prophetic Literature: From Oracles to Books presents an in-depth introductionto the origins and development of the Prophetic Books of the Old Testament, including an examination of the literary structure, authorship, and editorial processes that produced each book. The only introductory textbook that explores both how the prophetic books were composed and edited Accessible and engaging, the book contains numerous student features to encourage learning, including introductions, summaries, tables and boxes, etc Based on international scholarship on the individual prophetic books, including German scholarship that is otherwise inaccessible to most English readers INDICE: Preface viii Resource Acknowledgments xii Map 1 The ancient Near East xiii Map 2 Israel and Judah xiv 1 What Is a Prophetic Book? 1 2 The Book of Hosea 19 3 The Book of Amos 37 4 The Book of Micah 54 5 The Book of Zephaniah and the Twelve 72 6 The Books of Joel and Obadiah 91 7 The Books of Nahum and Habakkuk 108 8 The Books of Jonah and Haggai 125 9 Zechariah 18 142 10 Zechariah 914, the Book of Malachi, and the Twelve 155 11 The Book of Isaiah 172 12The Book of Isaiah (Continued) 190 13 The Book of Jeremiah 208 14 The Book ofEzekiel 225 Glossary 242 References 247 Scripture Index 262

  • ISBN: 978-1-4051-8846-3
  • Editorial: Wiley-Blackwell
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 288
  • Fecha Publicación: 23/12/2011
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés