Information technology applied to anesthesiology: an issue of anesthesiology clinics

Information technology applied to anesthesiology: an issue of anesthesiology clinics

Tremper, Kevin K.
Kheterpal, Sachin

92,72 €(IVA inc.)

This cutting-edge issue of Anesthesiology Clinics is divided into two sections. The first covers topics in perioperative clinical information systems (IS),including the following. The anatomy of an anesthesia information management system; vendor and market landscape; impact of lexicons on adoption of an IS; clinical research using an IS, real-time alerts and reminders using an IS; shortcomings and challenges of IS adoption; creating a real return-on-investment for IS implementation (life after HITECH); Quality improvement using automateddata sources and reporting; and opportunities and challenges of implementing an enterprise IS in the OR. Section 2 is devoted to computers and covers the following topics. Advanced integrated real-time clinical displays; enhancing point-of-care vigilance using computers; and computers in perioperative simulation and education.

  • ISBN: 978-1-4557-1030-0
  • Editorial: Saunders
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Fecha Publicación: 12/11/2011
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés