Towards an integrated paradigm in heterodox economics: alternative approaches to the current eco-social crises

Towards an integrated paradigm in heterodox economics: alternative approaches to the current eco-social crises

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The human imprint on the biosphere has become so pronounced in recent years that there has been talk of a new geological era, the 'Anthropocene'. Gatheringcontributions from some of the world's foremost heterodox economists, this book explores the new economic directions and paradigms that are required to respond to this crisis. JULIEN-FRANÇOIS GERBERVisiting Fellow at the Department of Economics, Harvard University, USA. After studying Biology and Development in Zurich, Chicagoand Geneva, he did his PhD in Ecological Economics at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain. He has published several articles in journals such as 'Ecological Economics', 'Agrarian Change' and 'Global Environmental Change'. ROLF STEPPACHER retired Senior Lecturer of ecological and institutional economics at The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva, Switzerland, and of Economic Anthropology at the University of Zurich, Switzerland. His most recent book is 'The Foundations of Institutional Economics' by K. William Kapp (2011, co-edited with S. Berger). INDICE: The Integration of Social, Ecological and Economic Knowledge; 'C. Splash - 'Hunger, Poverty, and Financial Crisis: are we Trapped in an ObsoleteEconomic Order?; 'D. Bromley - 'From Utilitarianism to Evolution in Ecological Economics; 'G. Hodgson - 'Linking Ecological Economics and Political Ecology: Social Metabolism, Ecological Distribution Conflicts, and Languages of Valuation; 'J. Martinez-Alier - 'The Elephant in the Room: a Critical Appraisal of Economic Narratives on Peak Oil; 'M. Giampietro' &' K. Mayumi - 'Meanings and Significance of Property with Reference to Today's Three Major Eco-institutional Crises; 'R. Steppacher' & 'J.F. Gerber - 'Ten Policies for a Steady State Economy; 'H. Daly'

  • ISBN: 978-0-230-30358-4
  • Editorial: Palgrave MacM
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 232
  • Fecha Publicación: 02/12/2011
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés