Evolution, the Logic of Biology

Evolution, the Logic of Biology

Torday, John S.
Rehan, Virender K.

113,05 €(IVA inc.)

By focusing on the cellular mechanisms that underlie ontogeny, phylogeny and regeneration of complex physiologic traits, Evolution, the Logic of Biology demonstrates the use of homeostasis, the fundamental principle of physiology and medicine, as the unifying mechanism for evolution as all of biology. The homeostasis principle can be used to understand how environmental stressors have affected physiologic mechanisms to generate condition–specific novelty through cellular mechanisms. Evolution, the Logic of Biology allows the reader to understand the vertebrate life–cycle as an intergenerational continuum in support of effective, on–going environmental adaptation. By understanding the principles of physiology from their fundamental unicellular origins, culminating in modern–day metazoans, the reader as student, researcher or practitioner will be encouraged to think in terms of the prevention of disease, rather than in the treatment of disease as the eradication of symptoms. By tracing the ontogeny and phylogeny of this and other phenotypic homologies, one can perceive and understand how complex physiologic traits have mechanistically evolved from their simpler ancestral and developmental origins as cellular structures and functions, providing a logic of biology for the first time. Evolution, the Logic of Biology will be an invaluable resource for graduate students and researchers studying evolutionary development, medicine and biology, anthropology, comparative and developmental biology, genetics and genomics, and physiology. INDICE: Preface .1. Introduction to Evolution, the Logic of Biology .1.1. Mind the Gap .1.2. Duality, Serendipity and Discovery .1.3. Biology as Stamp Collecting .1.4. A Cellular–Molecular Model of Evolutionary Biology .1.5. The Evolutionary Continuum from Development to Physiologic Homeostasis, Repair and Reproduction .1.6. Resonance at the Denouement of this Book .1.7. Why is Physiology? .1.8. Selected References .2. On the Fractal Nature of Evolution .2.1. Fractal Physiology– how and why? .2.2. In the Beginning .2.3. Chemiosmosis .2.4. Evolution of calcium homeostasis: From the birth of the first cell to an omnipresent signaling system .2.5. Calcium channels .2.6. From prokaryotes to eukaryotes: the advent of calcium–storing organelles .2.7. Calcium binding proteins .2.8. From polarized cells to multicellular organisms: the triumph of calcium signaling .2.9. Why is Physiology: a vertical integration of Ca, lipid, and homeostasis .3. The Historic Perspective on Paracrinology and Evolution as Lead–ins to a Systems Biology Approach .3.1. Historic Perspective .3.2. Parts and wholes .3.3. The advent of cell communication theory .3.4. Cell Sociology .3.5. Discovery of Neutral Lipid Trafficking: a priori experimental evidence for cellular Evolution .3.6. Neutral Lipid Trafficking: Insights to the Evolution of the Lung .3.7. Lessons from the Hepatocyte .3.8. Selected Readings .4. Evolution of ADRP, or Oh the Places You ll Go – Theodore Geissel, AKA Dr. Seuss .4.1. Neutral Lipid Trafficking Mediates Lung Alveolar Evolution .4.2. In the Process of Lung Evolution, Homologies Run Very Deep .4.3. Prostaglandin E2 Mediates Neutral Lipid Secretion from the Lipofibroblast .4.4. Adipocyte Differentiation Related Protein and Surfactant Homeostasis– the plot thickens .4.5. ADRP Mediates Alveolar Neutral Lipid Trafficking– going deeper and wider .4.6. Lipid droplets and cellular lipid metabolism .4.7. Perilipin and the PAT family of lipid droplet proteins .4.7.1 Perilipin .4.7.2 Perilipin expression .4.7.3 Perilipin is polyphosphorylated by protein kinase A .4.7.4 The functions of perilipin in cellular TAG metabolism .4.7.5 Perilipin and physiology .4.7.6 Perilipins and human health .4.8 ADRP/Adipophilin/ADFP/ADPH .4.8.1 ADRP and adipogenesis .4.8.2 ADRP in perilipin null mice .4.8.3 Studies of ADRP function in cellular lipid metabolism .4.8.4 Mouse models of ADRP deficiency .4.8.5 Regulation of ADRP expression and function .4.8.6 ADRP, the constitutive PAT protein for non–adipocytes .4.9 TIP47/PP17/M6PBP .4.9.1 Other proposed roles for TIP47 .4.9.2 TIP47, lipid droplets, and the eye .4.9.3 Functional studies of TIP47 using RNA interference .4.9.4 The structure of TIP47 .4.10 S3–12 and MLDP/OXPAT/LSDP5 .4.10.1 S3–12 and OXPAT, tandem genes with reciprocal expression .4.10.2 S3–12, TIP47, and ADRP in nascent lipid droplet biogenesis .4.10.3 S3–12 and the 11–mer repeats: a putative mechanism for lipid droplet binding .4.10.4 OXPAT, regulation by Peroxisome Proliferator Receptors in mice and humans .4.10.5 OXPAT, functional studies in cells .4.10.6 Non–mammalian PAT proteins .4.11 LSD–1 and LSD–2 of Drosophila and other insects .4.11.1 Lipid metabolism in mammals and insects .4.11.2 PAT proteins of insects .4.12 Intracellular distribution of insect PAT proteins .4.12.1 LSD–1 and LSD–2 are lipid–droplet proteins .4.12.2 Mechanisms of droplet targeting .4.12.3 Are LSD–1 and LSD–2 restricted to lipid droplets? .4.13 Intracellular distribution of insect PAT proteins .4.13.1 LSD–1 and LSD–2 are lipid–droplet proteins .4.13.2 Mechanisms of droplet targeting .4.13.3 Are LSD–1 and LSD–2 restricted to lipid droplets? .4.14 Lipid homeostasis .4.14.1 LSD–1 phosphorylation is linked to control of lipolysis .4.14.2 LSD–2 promotes storage of neutral lipids .4.14.3 LSD–2 and droplet biogenesis .4.14.4 LSD–2 and lipid homeostasis .4.15 Lipid droplet motion .4.15.1 PAT proteins and droplet motion .4.15.2 LSD–2 determines directionality of droplet motion .4.16 Parallels with mammals .4.16.1 Fatvg of Xenopus laevis .4.16.2 Fatvg mRNA is asymmetrically distributed .4.16.3 Fatvg is essential for normal embryogenesis .4.17 Relevance for mammalian biology .4.21 MPL1 of Metarhizium and related fungi .4.21.1 MPL1: a droplet protein involved in lipid metabolism .4.21.2 MPL1 as a virulence factor .4.22 Prospects for the study of mammalian PATs .4.22.1 Mammalian and non–mammalian PAT proteins, an ancient family for a fundamental need .5. Evolutionary Ontology and Epistemology .5.1 Contemplating Evolution as a Manifestation of Free Will .5.2 Complementarity, or the Value Added by the Cellular Approach to Evolution .5.3. Heliocentrism, The Age of Enlightenment, and NeoPhysiology .5.4 Evolution as a Prism, not a Kaleidoscope (fractals form patterns, not at random, but because there are underlying principles that generate those patterns! .5.5 Upon Re–reading Richard Strohman s paper Ancient Genomes, Wise Bodies, Unhealthy People: limits of a genetic paradigm in biology and medicine .5.6 Physiology is Equivalent to Physics .5.7 The Historic, Systematic Exclusion of Cell Biology from Evolution Theory .5.7.1 The Morphogenetic Field as the Mechanistic Basis for Going from Cells to Systems .5.7.2 Proximate and Ultimate Causation in Biology– artifact of the absence of cell biology .5.7.3 Historic Dissociation of Cell Biology from Evolutionary Biology .5.7.4 Evolution Theory Integrated with Cell Biology .5.8 The Predictive, Integrative Nature of a Cellular Approach to Evolution .5.8.1 Evolution of regulatory genes .5.8.2 Stress causes canalized mutations .5.8.3 Evolvability .6. Calcium–Lipid Epistasis– Ouroboros .6.1 Calcium within the cell .6.2 Calcium and Earliest life .6.2.1 Eukaryogenesis .6.2.2 Calcium and Early Unicellular Eukaryotes .6.2.3 The Role of Calcium in Initiating Multicellular Life .6.2.4 Biocalcification and Skeletogenesis .6.3 Cholesterol and the Eukaryotic Cell Membrane .6.4 From polarized cells to multicellular organisms: the success of calcium signaling .6.5 Calcium dyshomeostasis and neurodegeneration .6.6 Barrier Function in Evolution .7. The Lung Alveolar Lipofibroblast: An Evolutionary Strategy Against Neonatal Hyperoxic Lung Injury .7.1 Mechanism of Mammalian Lung Development .7.2 Epithelial–Mesenchymal Paracrine Model of Alveolar Development .7.3 Evolutionary Origin of Lipofibroblasts in the Mammalian Lung .7.4 The Evolution of Peroxisome Biology .7.5 PPAR Mediates the Evolutionary History of the Lipofibroblast– When Homologies Run Deep .7.6 Evolutionary Knowledge Explains the Benefits of Continuous Positive Airway Pressure .7.7 Hyperoxia, Peroxisomes and ROS .7.8 Presence of lipofibroblast in human lung .7.9 Mother Nature Opts for Lipofibroblasts to Maintain Homeostasis too .7.10 PPAR agonists turn on a master switch for normal lung development, universally preventing Neonatal Lung Injury .8. Bio–Logic .8.2 Introduction .8.2 Statement of the Problem .8.3 The Solution to the Problem .8.4 Putting Humpty Dumpty back together again based on epigenetic principles .8.5 Paracrine Growth Factors– from morphogenesis to homeostasis .8.6 A Mechanistic Evolutionary Riddle: When is an Alveolus Like a Glomerulus? .8.7 The Water–Land Transition, PTHrP Amplification, and the Adaptation to Land .8.8 Contrast Evolutionary and Developmental Biology as Descriptive vs Mechanistic .8.9 Epistemology– Maybe We Got it Backwards? .8.10 Conclusion .Suggested Readings .9. Cell Signaling is All of Biology .9.1 Introduction .9.2 PTHrP and Lung Cell–Molecular Evolutionary Homeostasis .9.3 ADRP as a Deep Homology that Interconnects Evolved Functional Homologies .9.4 PTHrP and Kidney Cell–Molecular Evolutionary Homeostasis .9.5 PTHrP and Skin Cell–Molecular Evolutionary Homeostasis .9.5 The Goodpasture Syndrome and Barrier Formation and Function– exception that proves the rule? .9.6 Internal and External Selection, PTHrP, the Adrenergic Receptor, Glucocorticoids, and the Water–Land Transition .9.7 Tiktaalik .9.8 Cellular Growth Factors as the Universal Language of Biology .9.9 What Predictions derive from a Cellular Approach to Evolution .10. Information + Negentropy + Homeostasis= Evolution .10.1 Introduction .10.2 The Physico–Chemical Origins of Cellular Life .Suggested Readings .11. Vertical Integration of Cytoskeletal Function from Yeast to Man .11.1 Calcium/Lipid Homeostasis: lessons from the Alveolus .11.1.1 PTHrP Signaling and the Water–Land–Transition, or Adventures in Pleiotropy .11.2 Evolutionary Lessons from the Role of PTHrP in Middle Ear Evolution .11.3 Evidence from Developmental Biology .Suggested Reading .12. Yet another bite of the evolutionary apple .12.1 Introduction .12.2 Biologic Cell–Cell Signaling is Analogous with Chemical Bonding .12.3 Homeostasis as the Universal Underlying, Overarching Mechanism for Evolution .12.4 The Ultimate Mechanism of Evolution Transcends Time and Space .12.5 Seeking a Universal Language for Biology, Medicine and Evolution .12.6 Genetic Assimilation: a Case in Point .12.7 Utility of the Approach .12.8 The Cellular View of Evolution is Simple(r) and Predictive .12.9 N+1th Generation Zygote is the Level of Evolutionary Selection .12.10 The Darwinian Biologic Space–Time Continuum .12.11 Reverse–Engineering Physiologic Traits as a Portal for Viewing Evolution .12.12 Communication between Cells as the Basis for the Evolution of Metazoans .12.13 Cell Communication as the Essence of Evolution .12.14 An Integrated, Hierarchical Mechanism for Evolution and Physiology .12.15 Tiktaalik, the Fossil Remains of the Vertebrate Water–Land Transition– An Object Lesson in Cellular–Molecular Evolution .12.16 It Takes a Process to Decipher a Process .12.17 An Epistemologic Forest–and–Trees Problem .12.17.1 A Path Through the Forest and Trees .12.18 Ontology .12.19 Pleiotropy as a Rubik s Cube .12.20 Food–Depravation Induced Metabolic Syndrome as Proof of Principle .12.21 Fossils, Molecular Clocks, Evolution and Intelligent Design .12.22 Understanding Lung Evolution Using the Middle–Out Approach .12.23 The Cell Communication Model of Evolution Guides Us Backwards from Current to Ancestral Phenotypes .12.24 Predictive Value of the Lung Cell Communication Model for Understanding the Evolution of Physiologic Systems .12.25 Conclusion .13. On Eliminating the Subjectivity from Biology– Predictions .13.1 Logic is Subjective .13.1.1 Quantum Logic .13.2 Ad Astra Per Aspera .13.3 David Bohm and the Implicate Order .13.4 Predictive power of the cellular–molecular approach to evolution .13.5 Conclusion .Suggested Readings .14. The Predictive Value of the Cellular Approach to Evolution .14.1 Observations of Pre–adaptation in the evolution literature are pervasive, but why? .14.2 Host Defense as a level of selection– Lessons from a Frog Experiment .14.3 PTHrP and Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Regulation of Physiologic Stress .14.3.1 The Role of PTHrP expression in pituitary/ACTH regulation .14.3.2 The Role of PTHrP expression in adrenal cortex/corticoid synthesis .14.3.3 The Up–regulation of adrenaline .14.4 The Evolution of Peroxisome Biology as a Prime Example of the Utility of Ancestral Health .14.5 The Elimination of Space and Time from the analysis of Evolution .14.6 The Unicellular Plasma Lemma as the Homolog of Metazoan Visceral Organs .14.7 Evolution of the glomerulus due to the PTHrP R gene duplication .14.8 The Ever–Transcendent Unicellular State .14.9 The Predictive Value of determining evolutionary mechanisms from their origins instead of their consequences .14.10 Man is Integral with Nature .14.11 The Advent of Multicellularity .14.12 Evolution, Cellular–Style .14.13 The Cellular Approach to Evolution is Predictive .14.14 Anthropic Principle Redux– We are not in this environment, we are of it .14.15 Bioethics Based on Evolutionary Ontology and Epistemology, Not Descriptive Phenotypes and Genes .14.16 Coda .15. Homeostasis as the Mechanism of Evolution .15.1 Introduction .15.2 Homeostasis is Anything But Stasis .15.3 Homeostasis is Anything but not Static .15.4 The Historic Concept of Homeostasis, from Bernard to Cannon .15.5 Negative feedback .15.6 Homeostatic imbalance .15.7 Cart and Horse Diachronic Perspective .15.8 Homeostatic Regulation as Downward Causation .15.9 Growth Factor Signaling Mechanisms are Common to Development, Homeostasis and Regeneration– Diachronic .15.10 Homeostasis as the Agent for Change During the Water–Land Transition– Emergence .15.11 Homeostasis as the Consequence of Developmental Mechanisms .15.12 PTHrP and Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Adrenal Regulation of Physiologic Stress .15.12.1 The Role of PTHrP expression in adrenal corticoid synthesis .15.13 Homeostatic Regulation is Diachronic .15.14 Allostasis as Integrated Homeostasis .15.15 Conclusion .Suggested Readings .16. On the Evolution of Development .16.1 Introduction .16.2 Ontogeny and Homeostasis .16.3 Ontogeny and Phylogeny .16.4 Myofibroblast Transdifferentiation as Evolution in Reverse .16.5 The Roles of PPAR in Ontogeny and Repair .16.6 The Relevance of Lung Evolution to Physiologic Evolution in General .16.7 PTHrP and Lung Cell–Molecular Evolutionary Homeostasis .16.8 PTHrP and Kidney Cell–Molecular Evolutionary Homeostasis .16.9 PTHrP and Skin Cell–Molecular Evolutionary Homeostasis .16.10 The Goodpasture Syndrome and Barrier Formation and Function: Exception That Proves the Rule .16.11 Internal and External Selection, PTHrP, and the Water–to–Land Transition .16.12 Tiktaalik .16.13 Cellular Growth Factors as the Universal Language of Biology .16.14 What Predictions Derive From a Cellular Approach to Evolution .16.15 The Zygote as the Level of Selection for Vertebrate Evolution .16.16 We are not just in this environment, we are of it .16.17 Bioethics Based on Evolutionary Ontology and Epistemology, Not Descriptive Phenotypes and Genes .16.18 Coda .17. A Central Theory of Biology .17.1 Introduction .17.2 Water–Land transition as the platform for vertebrate evolution .17.3 PTHrP signaling is essential for understanding the evolution of the lung .17.4 The physics of lung evolution .17.5 Functional homology between membrane lipids and oxygenation .17.6 Atmospheric oxygen, physiologic stress, gene duplication and lung evolution .17.7 Duplication of the adrenergic receptor and the glucocorticoid receptor genes .17.8 Evolution of endothermy/homeothermy as evidence for the effect of stress on vertebrate physiologic evolution .17.9 Hibernation as reverse evolution .17.10 Predictive power of the cellular–molecular approach to evolution .17.11 Conclusion .18. Implications of Evolutionary Physiology for Astrobiology .18.1 Introduction .18.2 In the Beginning .18.3 How do cellular mechanisms drive the evolution of physiology? .18.4 Why Return to the Unicellular State During the Life Cycle? .18.5 How life progressed .18.6 The origin of complex physiologic traits .18.7 Cellular communication .18.8 Where might we place our emphasis? .18.9 Conclusion .19. Pleiotropy, the Mechanism for Evolutionary Novelty .19.1 Pleiotropy, the Deus ex Machina (Ghost in the Machine) .19.2 Rubik s Cube as a Metaphor for Pleiotropic Evolution .19.3 The Lung as the Prototypical Pleiotropic Mechanism .19.4 The Lung as an Interactive Barrier– homolog of the Plasma Membrane, Skin and Brain .19.5 NKX2.1, Thyroid, Pituitary and Lung Pleiotropy .19.6 The Phylogeny of the Thyroid .19.7 An Evolutionary Vertical Integration of the Phylogeny and Ontogeny of the Thyroid .19.8 A Retrospective Understanding of Evolution .19.9 Denouement .Selected References .20. MetaEvolution .20.1 Compartmentation of the Life Cycle in Service to Epigenetics .20.2 Rational Drug Design .20.3 Formulation of a New Society .20.4 Anthropomorphisms Subvert the Natural Biologic Imperative to Cooperate .20.5 Euphysiology .20.6 Merging of Evolution Theory and Ecology .20.7 Gaia Theory .20.8 A Universal Operating Database for all Natural Sciences .20.9 Out–of–the–Box .20.10 Ethics Based on Biologic Principles .20.11 Mind .Suggested Readings .Index

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-72926-7
  • Editorial: Wiley–Blackwell
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 360
  • Fecha Publicación: 18/11/2016
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés