Quantitative analysis of newly evolving patterns of international trade: fragmentation, offshoring of activities, and vertical intra-industry trade

Quantitative analysis of newly evolving patterns of international trade: fragmentation, offshoring of activities, and vertical intra-industry trade

Stern, Robert M.

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Quantitative Analysis of Newly Evolving Patterns of International Trade offers a variety of perspectives on new forms and developments of international trade and related activities for Japan, the United States, China, and some other important trading countries, to develop new methods and data for measuring thefactor contents of emerging new modes of international trade. Such methods and data are crucially important for evaluating impacts of the new modes on factor markets in the United States, Japan, and other major trading countries, andalso for forecasting the future development of world trade and foreign directinvestment (FDI), evaluating welfare gains from trade, estimating impacts of free trade agreements, and designing effective trade and FDI policies. INDICE: Introduction and Overview (Robert M Stern); Fragmentation and Outsourcing: The Determinants of Offshore Production by Multinational Corporations: A Comparison of Japanese and U.S. Multinational Corporations (Toshiyuki Matsuura, Kiyoyasu Tanaka and Shujiro Urata); Does Material and Service OffshoringImprove Domestic Productivity? Evidence from Japanese Manufacturing Industries (Keiko Ito and Kiyoyasu Tanaka); Does Firm Boundary Matter? The Effect of Offshoring on Productivity of Japanese Firms (Banri Ito, Eiichi Tomiura and Ryuhei Wakasugi); Global Sourcing: Evidence from Spanish Firm-Level Data (Wilhelm K Kohler and Marcel Smolka); The Effects of Offshoring on the Composition of Employment in Italy (Anna M Falzoni and Lucia Tajoli); Effects of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment: International Production/Distribution Networks in EastAsia and Domestic Operations: Evidence from Japanese Firms (Mitsuyo Ando and Fukunari Kimura); Japan's Exports and Employment (Kozo Kiyota); What Determines the Extensive Margin of International Trade? An Investigation of the Cross-Section of U.S. Imports (Peter Debaere and Shalah Mostashari); Modes of East Asian Trade and Foreign Direct Investment: U.S. and Japan (K C Fung, Hitomi Iizaka and Alan Siu); The Influence of Multinational Exposure on Private Chinese Trade (Deborah Swenson); The Effects of Foreign Direct Investment on China's Labor Market (Theresa M Greaney and Yao Li); Clusters, Productivity, and Exportsin Taiwanese Manufacturing Industries (Eric Y Cho and Hideki Yamawaki).

  • ISBN: 978-981-4383-47-9
  • Editorial: World Scientific
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 532
  • Fecha Publicación: 23/05/2012
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés