The data model resource book v. 3 Universal patterns for data modeling

The data model resource book v. 3 Universal patterns for data modeling

Silverston, Len

62,04 €(IVA inc.)

The Data Model Resource Book, Volume 3 presents a collection of common patterns that can be used to customize existing data models (including those in Volumes 1 and 2) as well as create new data models. Each chapter describes a universal data pattern which is applicable across a wide variety of organizations, and includes several examples of specific implementations. INDICE: Foreword. Chapter 1 Introduction. Chapter 2 Setting Up Roles: WhatParties Do. Chapter 3 Using Roles: How Parties Are Involved. Chapter 4 Hierarchies, Aggregations, and Peer-to-Peer Relationships: The Organization of Similar Data. Chapter 5 Types and Categories: the Classification of Data. Chapter 6Status: The States of Data. Chapter 7 Contact Mechanisms: How to Get in Touch. Chapter 8 Business Rules: How Things Should Work. Chapter 9 Using the Patterns. Chapter 10 Socializing the Patterns. Index.

  • ISBN: 978-0-470-17845-4
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 648
  • Fecha Publicación: 02/01/2009
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés