Selected Contemporary Assessment Issues

Selected Contemporary Assessment Issues

Schuh, John H.

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As demands for accountability escalate, assessment continues to evolve as a central aspect of student affairs administration. Experience clearly indicates that without a robust portfolio of assessment activities, the services, programs, and activities of a student affairs division are at risk of being reassigned to other organizational units on campus—or, in a tight budgetary environment, being eliminated. This sourcebook reminds student affairs educators of the importance of developing an assessment program and explores topics that will add depth and richness to such a program. From specific metrics to broad strategies for developing collaborative activities involving academic and student affairs, it shows how to integrate valuable resources into the assessment process and how to use that process to enhance the student experience. The authors also take the largest view, offering advice on developing an institutional culture of assessment and planning future actions that will best serve students during their collegiate years. This is the 142 nd volume of this Jossey–Bass higher education quarterly series. An indispensable resource for vice presidents of student affairs, deans of students, student counselors, and other student services professionals, New Directions for Student Services offers guidelines and programs for aiding students in their total development: emotional, social, physical, and intellectual. INDICE: EDITOR’S NOTES 1 John H. Schuh 1. Challenges of Assessment in Student Affairs 5 Gregory S. Blimling How student affairs professionals can develop comprehensive assessment programs in the current climate of accountability is presented in this chapter. 2. The Role of the Assessment Coordinator in a Division of Student Affairs 15 Carolyn H. Livingston, Jonathan D. Zerulik The emerging role of assessment coordinators in student affairs divisions is described in this chapter. 3. Using the CAS Standards in Assessment Projects 25 Laura A. Dean This chapter presents an overview of the use of professional standards of practice in assessment and outlines a model for conducting program self–studies. 4. From Classroom to Practice: A Partnership Approach to Assessment 35 J. Patrick Biddix A model for bridging graduate assessment course work and divisional student affairs assessment efforts is provided along with considerations for implementation. 5. Collaborating on Assessment of the Undergraduate Student Experience 49 Melissa S. Shivers, Sally J. McMillan This chapter describes selected collaborative assessment initiatives involving academic and student affairs at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. 6. How Assessment Can Advance Efforts to Enhance Undergraduate Student Persistence 61 Ann M. Gansemer–Topf Despite the significant amount of research related to student persistence, institutions must develop and implement assessment practices that account for their unique mission and purpose. This chapter describes the role of assessment in enhancing persistence. 7. Developing and Using Dashboard Indicators in Student Affairs Assessment 71 Joshu a J. Mitchell, Andrew J. Ryder This chapter presents the use of dashboards in student affairs, including examples of key indicators and considerations for developing and implementing these tools. 8. Measuring the Second–Year Transformational Experience Program (STEP) at The Ohio State University 83 Lance C. Kennedy–Phillips, Kellie J. Uhrig This case study describes the role of assessment in a program for second–year students at The Ohio State University. 9. Developing a Culture of Assessment in Student Affairs 89 John H. Schuh Elements that contribute to developing a culture of assessment in student affairs are presented. 10. Afterword: Considerations for Future Practice of Assessment and Accountability 99 Marilee J. Bresciani Ideas and concepts about the future of assessment in student affairs are discussed. INDEX 107

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-73227-4
  • Editorial: Jossey Bass
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 112
  • Fecha Publicación: 05/11/2013
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés