Fundamentals of Nursing: Clinical Skills Workbook

Fundamentals of Nursing: Clinical Skills Workbook

Rebeiro, Geraldine
Jack, Leanne
Scully, Natashia
Wilson, Damian

58,23 €(IVA inc.)

The Fundamentals of Nursing: Clinical skills workbook will support Potter & Perry's Fundamentals of Nursing 3rd edition in 2012 by providing a separate clinical skills workbook, accompanied by a suite of Australian clinical skills videos.The workbook features the nursing skills from the text, accompanied by an overview at the beginning of each skill set and supported by clinical skill competency check lists aligned with the National Competency Standards for the Registered Nurse.The Bondy rating scale has been incorporated to provide clearly defined levels of competency and an opportunity for reflection is included at the end of each skill to encourage meaningful learning.A suite of clinical skills videos are available online to support the workbook. Ideal for viewing in class, the videos also provide students with a valuable tool for revision prior to assessment. INDICE: Fundamentals Clinical Skills Workbook 2nd edition Safety  OVERVIEW  Skill 15-1 Applying restraints  Skill 15-2 Seizure precautions  Health Assessment and Physical Examination  OVERVIEW NEW Skill 27-1 Abdominal health assessment NEW  Skill 27-2 Musculoskeletal health assessment NEW  Skill 27-3 Cardiovascular health assessment NEW  Skill 27-4 Respiratory health assessment NEW  Skill 27-5 Neurological health assessment NEW  Skill 27-6 Mental Health NEW  Skill 27-7 Body systems assessment NEW  Vital signs  OVERVIEW  Skill 28-1 Measuring body temperature Yes Skill 28-2 Assessing the radial and apical pulses Yes Skill 28-3 Assessing respirations Yes Skill 28-4 Measuring oxygen saturation (pulse oximetry) Yes Skill 28-5 Measuring blood pressure yes Infection Control  OVERVIEW  Skill 29-1 Handwashing Yes Skill 29-2 Preparing a sterile field   Skill 29-3 Surgical handwashing ('scrubbing'): preparing for gowning and gloving   Skill 29-4 Donning a sterile gown and performing closed gloving   Skill 29-5 Open gloving   Skin Integrity and Wound Care  OVERVIEW  Skill 30-1 Performing a bacterial wound swab NEW  Skill 30-2 Performing a wound dressing (title change) Yes Skill 30-3 Assessment, management and prevention of skin tears NEW  Skill 30-4 Assessment for risk of pressure injury (title change) Yes Medication Administration  OVERVIEW  Skill 31-1 Administering oral medications Yes Skill 31-2 Administering nasal instillations   Skill 31-3 Ophthalmic medication administration   Skill 31-4 Vaginal medication administration   Skill 31-5 Rectal medication administration   Skill 31-6 Meter dose inhaled medication administration   Skill 31-7 Preparing injections   Skill 31-8 Administering injections   Skill 31-9 Adding medications to intravenous fluid containers Yes Skill 31-10 Administering medications by intravenous bolus Yes Skill 31-11 Administering intravenous medications by piggyback, intermittent intravenous infusion sets, and mini-infusion pumps Yes Mobility and Immobility  OVERVIEW  Skill 33-1 Applying elastic stockings  Skill 33-2 Positioning patients in bed Yes 10 videos Skill 33-3 Transfer techniques  Hygiene  OVERVIEW  Skill 34-1A Bathing a patient / Showering a patient Yes Skill 34-2 Perineal care   Skill 34-3 Menstrual hygiene   Skill 34-4 Administering a back rub   Skill 34-5 Performing nail and foot care   Skill 34-6 Providing oral hygiene Yes Skill 34-7 Performing mouth care for an unconscious or debilitated client   Skill 34-8 Caring for the patient with contact lenses   Skill 34-9 Making an occupied bed   Nutrition  OVERVIEW  Skill 36-1 Inserting a small-bore nasoenteric tube for enteral feedings  Skill 36-2 Administering enteral feedings via nasoenteric tubes  Skill 36-3 Administering enteral feedings via gastrostomy or jejunostomy tube  Bowel Elimination  OVERVIEW  Skill 37-1 Administering a prepared enema  Skill 37-2 Pouching an ostomy  Skill 37-3 Inserting and maintaining a nasogastric tube (for decompression)  Urinary Elimination  OVERVIEW  Skill 38-1 Collecting midstream (clean-voided) urine specimen  Skill 38-2 Inserting a straight or indwelling catheter  Skill 38-3 Applying a sheath/condom drainage device (new title)  Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid Balance  OVERVIEW  Skill 39-1 Initiating a peripheral intravenous infusion  Skill 39-2 Regulating intravenous flow rate Yes Skill 39-3 Changing intravenous solution and infusion tubing Yes Skill 39-4 Changing a peripheral intravenous dressing Yes Skill 39-5 Subcutaneos infusion (hypodermoclysis) NEW  Oxygenation  OVERVIEW  Skill 40-1 Pulse oximetry   Skill 40-2 Suctioning   Skill 40-3 Care of patients with chest tubes   Skill 40-4 Applying a nasal cannula or oxygen mask   Skill 40-5 Using home liquid oxygen equipment   Skill 40-6 Cardiopulmonary resuscitation Yes Pain management  OVERVIEW NEW  Skill 41-2 Pain health assessment NEW  Care of Surgical Patients  OVERVIEW  Skill 44-1 Demonstrating postoperative exercises

  • ISBN: 978-0-7295-4116-9
  • Editorial: Mosby
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Fecha Publicación: 15/04/2013
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés