Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach

Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations: A Strategic Approach

Pynes, Joan E.

70,72 €(IVA inc.)

This thoroughly updated and comprehensive guide to strategic human resource management in public and nonprofit organizations reflects the current knowledge, practice, legal, social, economic and technological environment in which public and nonprofit organizations currently operate. The book addresses the significant changes in the field due to the economic crisis, changes in federal employment laws, increased use of technology and social media and new approaches to HRM policy and practice. The book also includes new material on workplace violence and employee discipline as well as more tables and exhibits as applicable. INDICE: List of Figure, Tables, and Exhibits xiii Exercises xv Preface xvii Acknowledgments xxv The Author xxvii PART ONE: HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT IN CONTEXT 1 1 Introduction to Human Resources Management in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors 3 The Public Sector 5 The Nonprofit Sector 10 The New Public Service 22 Today’s Context for Human Resources Management 23 Conclusion 33 2 Strategic Human Resources Management and Planning 37 The Changing Role of Human Resources Management 38 Human Resources Outsourcing 42 Strategic Human Resources Management and Human Resources Planning 44 Human Resources Planning 45 Human Resources Information Systems and Electronic Human Resources Management 50 Implementing Strategic Human Resources Management 57 Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategic Human Resources Management 58 Problems and Implications of Strategic Human Resources Management 60 Ethical Standards for Strategic Human Resources Management 61 Conclusion 62 3 Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Other Employee Protections 69 Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws 70 Proving Employment Discrimination 82 Executive Orders, Affirmative Action, and Other Federal Laws 88 Affirmative Action 93 Constitutional Rights 97 Additional Protections for Employees 103 Conclusion 105 4 Managing a Diverse Workforce 111 Glass Ceilings, Sticky Floors, Glass Walls, and Glass Escalators 114 Why Diversity Is Important 115 Cultural Competency 116 Sexual Harassment 119 Employer Liability 121 Sexual Orientation 122 Changes in the Nonprofit Landscape 125 The Difference between Complying with Laws and Managing Diversity 126 Strategic Human Resources Management Implications for Managing Diversity 128 Conclusion 130 PART TWO: METHODS AND FUNCTIONS OF STRATEGIC HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT 137 5 Job Analysis 141 Legal Significance of Job Analysis Data 143 Job Analysis Information and Methods 144 Designing a Job Analysis Program 151 Job Description and Job Specification 153 Strategic Job Analysis 153 Competency Modeling 159 Job Analysis Techniques 160 Contextual Performance 167 Conclusion 168 6 Recruitment and Selection 175 Recruitment 176 Recruiting for Local Governments and Nonprofits 181 Screening Applicants 184 Executive and Managerial Recruitment and Selection 202 Conclusion 204 7 Compensation 211 Equity 212 Executive Compensation and Benefits 229 Federal Laws Governing Compensation 231 State and Local Government Minimum Wages 234 Conclusion 240 8 Benefits 247 Required Benefits 248 Discretionary Benefits 253 Quality–of Work and Quality–of Life Issues 260 Conclusion 270 9 Training and Career Development 275 The Training Process 278 Career Development 293 Managerial and Executive Development 294 Conclusion 296 10 Performance Management 303 Motivation 306 Developing an Evaluation Program 311 Rater Training 312 Who Should Rate? 315 Executive Evaluation 316 Documentation 319 Performance Evaluation Interview 320 Ethical Issues in Performance Appraisal 321 Performance Appraisal Techniques 322 Team–Based Performance Techniques 329 Conclusion 333 11 Labor–Management Relations: Collective Bargaining in the Public and Nonprofit Sectors 341 The History of Private Sector Collective Bargaining 342 Collective Bargaining in Nonprofit Organizations 345 Collective Bargaining in the Federal Government 346 Collective Bargaining in State and Local Governments 347 Concepts and Practices of Collective Bargaining 348 Public Sector Distinctions 359 Nonprofit Sector Distinctions 363 Privatization of Public Services 366 Conclusion 367 12 Volunteers 377 Use of Volunteers 378 Volunteer Motivation 381 Barriers to Volunteer Recruitment 381 Recruitment 382 The Prerecruitment Process 384 Managing Volunteers 389 Orientation and Training 391 Volunteer Recognition 392 Evaluation 393 The Volunteer Protection Act 394 Governing Boards 394 Conclusion 402 13 Conclusion: Challenges for Public and Nonprofit Organizations 409 What to Expect 409 Challenges for Strategic Human Resources Management 412 Change in Skill Requirements 413 References 415 Name Index 455 Subject Index 463 LIST OF FIGURE, TABLES, AND EXHIBITS Figure 2.1 Uses of Human Resources Information Systems 51 Tables 1.1 IRS Organization Reference Chart 12 1.2 Number of Nonprofit Organizations in the United States, 1999–2009 16 1.3 National Taxonomy of Exempt Entities: Broad Categories 18 3.1 Federal Statutes Related to Equal Employment Opportunity 83 3.2 International Comparison of Antidiscrimination Criteria Covered by Law 85 5.1 Department of Labor Worker Functions 165 7.1 General Schedule Pay Scale, 2012 Annual Rates by Grade and Step 219 7.2 City–County Library District Salary and Wage Schedule 220 7.3 Comparable Municipal Market Study for Annual Salaries for Select Local Government Positions 222 7.4 International Comparison of Working Hours 238 7.5 Minimum Wage International Comparison 239 8.1 International Comparison of Benefi ts 266 8.2 International Comparison of Parental Leave 268 11.1 International Comparison of Unions and Collective Bargaining Rights 368 12.1 Grid for Matching Current and Potential Board Members 398 Exhibits 5.1 Job Analysis Questionnaire 147 5.2 Structured Task Checklist 149 5.3 Examples of Job Descriptions 154 5.4 Competencies for Supervisory and Leadership Position 161 5.5 Foreign Service Officer Competencies 163 6.1 Resources for Job Seekers 182 7.1 Typical Compensable Factors 216 10.1 The Many Purposes of Appraisal 305 10.2 Common Rating Errors 314 10.3 Trait Rating Scale 324 10.4 Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale 325 10.5 Management by Objectives Rating Scale 327 10.6 Sample Critical Incidents Report 328 10.7 Questions to Consider When Developing a Performance Evaluation System 332 11.1 National Labor Relations Board Jurisdictional Standards in Effect July 1990 344 12.1 Volunteer Application for Natural Resources Agencies 386 EXERCISES 1.1 Art Museums Are Looking for Leaders 34 2.1 State and Local Government Workforce: 2012 Trends 64 2.2 Some Nonprofits Are Hiring 65 3.1 A Muslim Woman ’s Right to Wear a Head Scarf at Work 107 3.2 States Are Taking the Lead on Family Discrimination Laws 108 4.1 Employers in Singapore Adopt a Pledge of Fair Employment Practices 131 4.2 Tattoos in the Workplace 133 5.1 Hiring a Social Media Director 170 5.2 Caseworkers Often Face Tremendous Difficulties 171 6.1 EEOC Cautions against Making Employment Decisions Based on Criminal Records 206 6.2 Barring Discrimination against Unemployed Applicants 207 7.1 Compensation and Retirement Benefits Reform in New York State 242 7.2 The Gender Gap in Wages Still Exists in 2011 243 8.1 Smokers Need Not Apply 271 8.2 Public Pensions Are Undergoing Changes 272 9.1 Using Video Games for Driver Training 298 9.2 Swapping Jobs 299 10.1 Office of Personnel Management Director Says Federal Employees Need More Frequent Feedback 335 10.2 Ethical Lapses and Performance Problems at the Stanislaus Community Assistance Project 336 11.1 Union Members in Spain and Italy Go on Strike 373 11.2 Labor Talks and Social Media 374 12.1 Voluntourism 403 12.2 Millennials ’ Job Satisfaction Is Increased by Corporate Volunteer Programs 404

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-39862-3
  • Editorial: Jossey Bass
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 528
  • Fecha Publicación: 27/09/2013
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés