Knobil and Neills Physiology of Reproduction: Two-Volume Set

Knobil and Neills Physiology of Reproduction: Two-Volume Set

Plant, Tony M.
Zeleznik, Anthony J.

374,40 €(IVA inc.)

The Fourth Edition of Knobil & Neill will continue to serve as a reference aid for research, to provide the historical context to current research, and most importantly as an aid for graduate teaching on a broad range of topics in human and comparative reproduction. In the decade since the publication of the last edition, the study of reproductive physiology has undergone monumental changes. Chief among these advances are in the areas of stem cell development, signaling pathways, the role of inflammation in the regulatory processes in the various tissues, and the integration of new animal models which have led to a greater understanding of human disease. This new edition will seek to synthesize all of this new information at the molecular, cellular, and organismal levels of organization and present modern physiology a more understandable and comparative context. *The leading comprehensive work on the physiology of reproduction*Edited and authored by the world's leading scientists in the field*Is a synthesis of the molecular, cellular, and organismic levels of organization*Bibliogrpahics of chapters are extensive and cover all the relevant literature INDICE: Section I: Gametes, Fertilization, and Embryogenesis The Spermatozoon The Ovum Gamete and Zygote Transport Implantation Anatomy and Genesis of the Placenta Sex Determination and Differentiation Early Embryogenesis Section II: Female Reproductive System Embryology and Genetics of the Mammalian Gonads and Ducts Cyclic changes in the Primate Oviduct and Endometrium Hormonal Control of Follicular Development: Mouse, Primate, and Equine Models Physiology and Molecular Biology of Ovulation Growth Factors, IGF-1 and Ovarian Function Gonadotropin Receptors in the Ovary: Physiology and Molecular Biology Steroid Receptors in the Ovary and Uterus Relaxin and Related Hormones: Physiology and Molecular Biology Section III: Male Reproductive System Anatomy, Vasculature, and Innervation of the Male Reproductive Tract Spermatogenesis and Its Intrinsic Control The Sertoli Cell Physiology of Testicular Steroidogenesis Regulation of Spermatogenesis Epididymis The Physiology of the Male Sex Accessory Tissues Male Sexual Function: Erection, Emission, and Ejaculation Reproductive Immunology Section IV: Pituitary and Hypothalamus Perspectives and Overview Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH) Neuronal Systems Gonadotropes and Lactotropes Gonadotropins: Chemistry and Biosynthesis GnRH Regulation of Gonadotropin Biosynthesis and Secretion Prolactin: Structure, Function, and Regulation of Secretion Section V: Reproduction Behavior & Its Control Neurobiology of Male Sexual Behaviors Neural and Genetic Influences on Female Reproductive Behaviors Maternal Behaviors Communicative Behaviors Pheromones and Mammalian Reproduction Section VI: Reproductive Processes and Their Control Puberty in the Rat Puberty in the Sheep Seasonal Regulation of Reproduction in Mammals Neuroendocrine Control of the Ovarian Cycle in Reflex Ovulators Neuroendocrine Control of the Rat Ovarian Cycle Neuroendocrine Control of the Ovarian Cycle of the Sheep Control of the Menstrual Cycle and the Consequences of Fertilization on the Life of the Corpus Luteum Suckling and the Control of Gonadotropin Secretion Metabolic Regulation of Reproduction The Influence of Stress on Reproduction Aging in the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis Aging in the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovarian Axis Section VII: Pregnancy Immunobiology of Early Pregnancy Placental Transport Placental Endocrine Function Maternal Adaptation to Pregnancy Parturition Developmental Origins of Health and Disease Section VIII: Lactation Mammary Gland Growth and Differentiation Lactation and Its Hormonal Control Oxytocin: Synthesis, Secretion, and Behavioral Effects Milk Ejection and Its Control

  • ISBN: 978-0-12-397175-3
  • Editorial: Academic Press
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 3296
  • Fecha Publicación: 12/01/2015
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés