Digital histology: an interactive cd atlas with review text

Digital histology: an interactive cd atlas with review text

Pakurar, Alice S.
Bigbee, John W.

77,71 €(IVA inc.)

Digital Histology: An Interactive CD Atlas with Review Text is a book + CD-ROM multimedia resource offering a complete introduction to histology with superbly clear and thoroughly labeled images and illustrations within an elegant navigation structure. While the printed book provides a handy, consistently structured outline for the user's review of key issues in the study of human histology, the CD-ROM is an interactive, annotated digital color atlas of micrographs. The first edition of Digital Histology was proven ideal for use as a tool for teaching, self-instruction, and self-assessment for those teaching and learning situation where the laboratory component of graduate and undergraduate courses needed to be replaced or augmented. The new second edition of Digital Histology now contains over 1200 light and electron microscopic images (almost 500 more images than in the first edition!), each with superimposable labels and descriptive legends. Many of the new images are electron micrographs, some containing diagrammatic overlays highlighting important ultrastructural features of the image. Also added are new sections on mitosis and meiosis which contain stage-by-stage diagrams detailing the structural events. This section alsoincludes a side-by-side diagrammatic comparison of the stages of mitosis and meiosis. The section on Supporting Cells in Nervous Tissue has been expanded and the sections on Gametogenesis in the Male and Female Reproductive Systems chapters now include a side-by-side comparison of the stages. The chapter on Hemopoiesis has been extensively revised, in collaboration with Dr. James Hightower, Ph.D. The second edition of the CD now also contains 50 original illustrations including 6 drawings newly added to the 47 currently in the Review Text.Finally, the Review Text has been revised extensively edited and for clarity.Note that the CD-ROM is equally at home on an IBM (TM)-based platform as a Mac (TM)-based platform.

  • ISBN: 978-0-470-47539-3
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 264
  • Fecha Publicación: 21/08/2009
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés