Effective Grading Practices for Secondary Teachers

Effective Grading Practices for Secondary Teachers

Nagel, David T.

22,46 €(IVA inc.)

In life, most of us are given second chances.  Why should school be any different? A growing body of evidence suggests that many traditional grading practices are not only ineffective; they are also potentially harmful to students.  Effective Grading Practices for Secondary Teachers provides specific, concrete, and practical alternatives to some traditional and ineffective grading practices. By effectively implementing these changes, secondary teachers and administrators, and central office personnel, can drastically decrease failure rates, improve overall achievement, and significantly reduce potential dropouts. Coverage includes:   - guidance for secondary teachers and leaders in the implementation of new and effective failure prevention strategies such as Safety Net Programs, WIN Programs, and Amnesty Days - approaches to credit recovery such as extending the semester, re-culturizing summer school, and on-line credit recovery - alternatives to strict standards-based grading that doesn't require a total abandonment of letter grades - how to conduct action research to measure the effectiveness of grading reforms - numerous examples of successful practices and programs that have been enacted in a range of secondary settings.   Dave Nagel is a senior professional development associate with The Leadership and Learning Center and a former middle and high school biology teacher. INDICE: IntroductionPart I: Why Changing Grading at the Secondary Level Is a Tough Sell1. Grading: The One Immovable Element in a Constantly Evolving Field2. Determining Why Grading Changes Are NeededPart II: Practice Trumps Policy3. Policy: The Starting Point, Not the Destination Finder4. Policy into Practices: The Path to Effective GradingPart III: Grading Practices to Prevent Failure, Recover Credits, and Grade on Standards5. Preventing Unnecessary Failure6. What Do We Do when Failure Does Happen? Effective Credit Recovery7. Standards Based GradingPart IV: Elements for Successful Implementation8. Determining What (Could) Change9. Implementation for Teachers—Setting up and conducting your action researchAppendixes

  • ISBN: 978-1-4833-1989-6
  • Editorial: Corwin
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 360
  • Fecha Publicación: 30/04/2015
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: