Musculoskeletal anatomy coloring book

Musculoskeletal anatomy coloring book

Muscolino, Joseph E.

27,41 €(IVA inc.)

Reinforce your understanding of musculoskeletal anatomy with fun, hands-on review and practice! Ideal for independent anatomy review or as a companion to Muscolino's The Muscular System Manual: The Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body,this unique study tool provides more detailed coverage of musculoskeletal anatomy than any other coloring book available and helps you develop the working knowledge of muscles you'll need for successful manual therapy practice. INDICE: Introduction - How to Use This Book1. The Skeletal SystemBones of the Head - Anterior ViewBones of the Head - Lateral & Inferior ViewsBones of the Neck - Anterior ViewBones of the Neck - Posterior ViewBones of the Trunk - Anterior ViewBones of the Trunk - Posterior ViewBones of the Pelvis and Thigh - Anterior ViewBones of the Pelvis and Thigh - Posterior ViewBones of the Leg - Anterior ViewBones of the Leg - Posterior ViewBones of the Foot - Dorsal ViewBones of the Foot - Plantar ViewBones of the Scapula and Arm - Anterior ViewBones of the Scapula and Arm - Posterior ViewBones of the Forearm - Anterior ViewBones of the Forearm - Posterior ViewBones of the Hand - Anterior ViewBones of the Hand - Posterior View2. The Muscle SystemIntroduction: How Muscles FunctionMuscles of the HeadMuscles of the head - Anterior viewMuscles of the head - Lateral viewOccipitofrontalisTemporoparietalis and Auricularis MusclesOrb. Oculi and Lev. Palp. SupCorrugator Supercilii, ProcerusNasalis and Depressor Septi NasiLev. Lab. Sup. Alaeq. Nasi & Lev. Lab. SuperiorisZygomaticus Minor andZygomaticus MajorLevator Anguli Oris & RisoriusDepressor Anguli Oris and Dep.Labii InferiorisMentalis and BuccinatorOrbicularis OrisTemporalis & MasseterLateral Pterygoid and Medial PterygoidReview QuestionsMuscles of the NeckMuscles of the Neck - Anterior View (superf)Muscles of the Neck - Anterior View (interm)Muscles of the Neck - Anterior View (deep)Muscles of the Neck - Lateral ViewMuscles of the Neck - Posterior View (superf & interm)Muscles of the Neck - Posterior View (interm & deep)TrapeziusSplenius Capitis and Splenius CervicisLevator ScapulaeThe Suboccipital GroupPlatysmaSternocleidomastoidSternohyoid and SternothyroidThyrohyoid and OmohyoidDigastric and StylohyoidMylohyoid and GeniohyoidAnterior, Middle and Posterior ScalenesLongus Colli and Longus CapitisRectus Capitis Anterior and Rectus Capitis LateralisReview QuestionsMuscles ofthe TrunkMuscles of the Trunk - Post. View (superf & inter)Muscles of the Trunk - Post. View (deep)Muscles of the Trunk - Ant. View (superf & inter)Musclesof the Trunk - Ant. View (inter & deep)Muscles of the Trunk - Lat. ViewMuscles of the Trunk - Cross section ViewsLatissimus DorsiRhomboids Major and MinorSerratus AnteriorSerratus Posterior Superior and Serratus Posterior InferiorErector Spinae GroupIliocostalis, Longissimus, SpinalisTransversospinalis GroupSemispinalis, Multifidus, RotatoresQuadratus LumborumInterspinales and IntertransversariiLevatores Costarum and SubcostalesPectoralis MajorPectoralis Minor and SubclaviusExt. Intercostals and Int. IntercostalsRectus AbdominisExt. Ab. Oblique and Int. Abd. ObliqueTransversus Abd. and Transversus ThorDiaphragmReview QuestionsMuscles of the PelvisMuscles of the Pelvis - Ant. ViewMuscles of the Pelvis - Lat.ViewMuscles of the Pelvis - Post. View (Superfic)Muscles of thePelvis - Post.View (Deep) Psoas MajorIliacusPsoas MinorGluteus MaximusGlut. Medius and Glut. MinimusPiriformisSup. Gemellus, Obt. Int., Inf. GemellusObt. Externus, Quadratus FemorisReview QuestionsMuscles of the ThighMuscles of the Thigh - Ant. View (Superf.)Muscles of the Thigh - Ant.View (Deep)Muscles of theThigh - Post. View (Superf.)Muscles of the Thigh - Post.View (Deep)Muscles ofthe Thigh - Lat. ViewMuscles of the Thigh - Med.ViewTensor Fasciae LataeSartoriusRectus femorisVastus Lat. And Vastus MedVastus intermedius and ArticularisGenusPectineus and GracilisAdductor Longus Adductor BrevisAdductor MagnusBiceps FemorisSemitendinosus and SemimembranosusReview QuestionsMuscles of the LegMuscles of the Leg - Ant. View Muscles of the Leg - Post.View (Superf)Muscles of the Leg - Post.View (Interm)Muscles of the Leg - Post.View (Deep)Muscles ofthe Leg - Lat.ViewMuscles of the Leg - Med.ViewTibialis AnteriorExtensor Hallucis LongusExt. Dig. Longus and Fib. TertiusFibularis Longus and Fibularis BrevisGastrocnemius and SoleusPlantaris and PopliteusTibialis PosteriorFlex. Dig.Longus Flex. Hall. LongusReview QuestionsIntrinsic Muscles of the FootIntrinsic Muscles of the Foot - Dorsal. ViewInt. Muscles of the Foot - Plant. ViewInt.Muscles of the Foot - Plant. ViewInt. Muscles of the Foot - Plant. ViewExtensor Dig. Brevis & Ext. Hall.BrevisAbd. Hallucis & Abd. Dig. Min. PedisFlexor Dig. BrevisQuad. Plantae & Lumbricals PedisFlex. Hall. Brevis & Flex Dig Min PedisAdductor HallucisPlantar Inteross. & Dorsal Inteross. PedisReview QuestionsMuscles of the Scapula/ArmMuscles of the Shoulder - Ant. View Muscles of the Shoulders - Post. View Anterior View of Arm (Superficial)Anterior View of Arm (Deep)Medial View of Arm Lateral View of Arm Posterior View of Arm Views of the Glenohumeral Joint (Ant and Post)Supraspinatus and InfraspinatusTeres Minor and SubscapularisTeres MajorDeltoidCoracobrachialisBiceps Brachii and BrachialisTriceps BrachiiReview QuestionsMuscles of the ForearmMuscles of the Forearm - Ant. View (Superf.)Muscles of the Forearm - Ant. View (Inter)Muscles of the Forearm - Ant. View (Deep)Pronators and SupinatorMuscles of the Forearm - Post. View (Superf.)Muscles of the Forearm - Post. View (Deep)Muscles of the Forearm/Hand - Post. View Muscles of the Forearm/Hand - Post. View Pronator Teres & Pronator QuadratusFlex. Carpi Rad., Palmaris Longus, Flex Carpi UlnBrachioradialisFlex. Dig. Superf. & Flex. Dig. ProfundusFlexor Pollicis LongusAnconeusExt.Car. Rad.Long, Ext. Car. Rad. Brev, Ext Car. UlnExt. Digitorum & Ext. Dig MinSupinatorAbductor Pollicis Longus & Ext. Poll. BrevisExt. Pollicis Longus & Ext. IndicisReview QuestionsIntrinsic Muscles of the HandPalmar View of the Hand(Superf.)Palmar View of the Hand (Superf. muscular)Palmar View of the Hand (Deep muscular.)Dorsal View of the Hand Abductor Poll. Brev & Flex Poll. BrevisOpponens Poll. & Opponens Dig. MinAbd. Dig Min Man & Flex Dig Min ManPalmaris BrevisAdductor Pollicis & Lumbrical ManusPalmar Inteross & Dors. Interossei ManusReview Questions3. Other Skeletal MusclesAbdomenPerineumTonguePalatePharynxLarynx EyeEar4. The Nervous SystemCranial nervesSpinal Nerve cross sectionCervical and Brachial plexusesLumbar, Sacral and Coccygeal PlexusesLower Extremity InnervationUpper Extremity Innervation5. The Arterial System Lateral View of Arterial Supply to the Head and NeckAnterior View of Arterial Supply to the TrunkArterial Supply to the Lower ExtremityArterial Supply to the Upper Extremity6. Other Structures and Systems of the Body The CellTypical Synovial JointCardiac SystemVenous SystemLymphatic SystemImmune SystemSensory SystemEndocrine SystemIntegumentary SystemGastrointestinal SystemRespiratory SystemUrinary SystemReproductive System Answer KeyFigure Credits

  • ISBN: 978-0-323-05721-9
  • Editorial: Mosby
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 456
  • Fecha Publicación: 14/10/2009
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés