Human resources management for health care organizations: a strategic approach

Human resources management for health care organizations: a strategic approach

Lombardi, Donald N.
Pynes, Joan

75,10 €(IVA inc.)

This book is a comprehensive guide to the essential areas of health care human resources management, and is an immediately useful practical handbook for practitioners as well as a textbook for use health care management programs. Written by the authors of Handbook for the New Health Care Manager and Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, the book covers the context of human resources management in the unique health care business arena from a strategic perspective includes SHRM and human resources planning, organizational culture and assessment, and the legal environment of human resourcesmanagement. Managing volunteers and job analysis perfor­mance appraisal instruments, training and development programs, and recruitment, targeted selectionand hiring techniques are covered. Compensation poli­cies and practices, employer-provided benefits management, implementation of training and organizational development programs, as well as labor-management relations for health careorganizations and healthcare human resource information technology are covered, with practical examples and proven strategies amply provided in each chapter. INDICE: Tables, Figures, and Exhibits Preface The Authors Part One Human Resources Management in the Health Care Business Arena Chapter 1 Introduction to Health Care Human Resources Management Defining Elements of Progressive Health Care Organizations Current Perceptions of Health Care Organizations Spheresof Influence Model Five Significant Change Dynamics of Modern Health Care Profile of a Progressive Health Care Organization Composition of a Progressive Health Care Human Resources Management Department Chapter 2 Strategic Health Care Human Resources Management and Planning The Changing Role of Human ResourcesManagement Human Resources Outsourcing Strategic Human Resources Management and Human Resources Planning Anticipating Future Needs Evaluating the Effectiveness of Strategic Human Resources Management Problems and Implications of Strategic Human Resources Management Chapter 3 Organizational Culture Standards for Health Care Human Resources Performance Matrix of Superstars, Steadies, and Nonplayers PACT Formula Strategic Requirements for a Progressive Health Care Human Resources Management Department Chapter 4 Equal Employment Opportunity Laws and Health Care Human Resources Management Federal Equal Employment Opportunity Laws Proving Employment Discrimination Affirmative Action: Executive Orders and Other Federal Laws Constitutional Rights Additional Protections for Employees Chapter 5 Managing the Unique Health Care Workforce Cultural Factors Relevant to Health Care Human Resources Practical Application: A Tale of Two Jersey Cultures Chapter 6 The Importance of Volunteers in Health Care Organizations Selection and Placement Strategy Considerations for Volunteers Maximizing Health Care Volunteer Performance Agenda Topics for Volunteer Summits Ten Essential Rules for Volunteer Placement Part Two Methods and Accountabilities of Health Care Human Resources Chapter 7 Critical Job Analysis and Design Legal Significance of Job Analysis Job Analysis Information Designing a Job Analysis Program Job Descriptions and Job Specifications Competency Modeling Job AnalysisTechniques Chapter 8 Recruitment, Interviewing, and Selection Strategies Preselection Process Critical Dimensions of External Recruitment Preparing and Planning for the Interview Conducting the Interview Evaluating the Interview Chapter 9 Maximizing Performance Management and Evaluation Developing an Evaluation Program Using Defusersthe Return to Objectivity Formula Chapter 10 Compensation Strategies Motivation Equity Executive Compensation and Benefits Federal Laws Governing Compensation Chapter 11 Benefits Government Required Benefits Discretionary Benefits Quality-of-Work and Quality-of-Life Issues Part Three Maximizing Health Care Human Resources Chapter 12 Training and Development Needs Assessment Developing Training Objectives Developing the Curriculum DeliveringTraining Evaluating Training Career Development Health Care Training and Development in Application Relevant and Resonant

  • ISBN: 978-0-470-87355-7
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 432
  • Fecha Publicación: 01/02/2012
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés