The Student Leadership Challenge: Facilitation and Activity Guide

The Student Leadership Challenge: Facilitation and Activity Guide

Kouzes, James M.
Posner Barry Z.
High, Beth
Morgan, Gary M.

37,44 €(IVA inc.)

This book gives educators the flexible, modularized building blocks for teaching students how to apply Kouzes and Posner?s Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. The guide includes language, guidance, and activities for teaching each Practice and its associated leadership behaviors, as well as tips for coaching students through their leadership development. It also includes direction on using the Student Leadership Practices Inventory, advice for working with students using the Student Workbook and Personal Leadership Journal, and curriculum suggestions for different educational contexts. INDICE: Welcome to The Student Leadership Challenge 1 About The Student Leadership Challenge 3 The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership 3 How to Use the Facilitation and Activity Guide 4 How to Use the Student Workbook 7 Module 1: Introduction 9 Framing The Student Leadership Challenge Core Philosophy for Your Students 10 Origins of the Model 13 Activity 1.1: Personal–Best Leadership Experience 14 A Definition of Leadership 17 The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership Model 18 The Student Leadership Practices Inventory 21 Moving Ahead 21 Module 2: Using the Student Leadership Practices Inventory 23 About the Student LPI 24 Using the Student LPI 360 Online 28 The Student LPI Reports 31 Student LPI Frequently Asked Questions 41 Module 3: Model the Way: Practice Overview and Guided Discussion 45 Practice Summary 46 Framing Model the Way for Your Students 46 Helping Students Understand and Apply the Behaviors of Model the Way 49 Further Actions to Improve in Model the Way 57 Activities to Learn About and Apply Model the Way 59 Activity 3.1 Values Spotlight 59 Activity 3.2 Mark Your Calendars 61 Activity 3.3 Movie Activity: Pay It Forward 62 Connect Model the Way to Module 8: Personal Leadership Journal 65 Practice Summary 65 Module 4: Inspire a Shared Vision: Practice Overview and Guided Discussion 67 Practice Summary 68 Framing Inspire a Shared Vision for Your Students 68 Helping Students Understand and Apply the Behaviors of Inspire a Shared Vision 71 Further Actions to Improve in Inspire a Shared Vision 78 Activities to Learn About and Apply Inspire a Shared Vision 79 Activity 4.1 The Dream Sheet 79 Activity 4.2 Come Join Me on Vacation 85 Activity 4.3 Movie Activity: Invictus 86 Connecting Inspire a Shared Vision to Module 8: Personal Leadership Journal 88 Practice Summary 88 Module 5: Challenge the Process: Practice Overview and Guided Discussion 89 Practice Summary 90 Framing Challenge the Process for Your Students 91 Helping Students Understand and Apply the Behaviors of Challenge the Process 94 Further Actions to Improve in Challenge the Process 101 Activities to Learn About and Apply Challenge the Process 102 Activity 5.1 We Need More Parking 102 Activity 5.2 Take It One Step at a Time 106 Activity 5.3 Movie Activity: Apollo 13 107 Connect Challenge the Process to Mo dule 8: Personal Leadership Journal 109 Practice Summary 110 Module 6: Enable Others to Act: Practice Overview and Guided Discussion 111 Practice Summary 112 Framing Enable Others to Act for Your Students 112 Helping Students Understand and Apply the Behaviors of Enable Others to Act 116 Further Actions to Improve in Enable Others to Act 123 Activities to Learn About and Apply Enable Others to Act 124 Activity 6.1 What Makes You Trust Someone? 124 Activity 6.2 Blindfolded Square 126 Activity 6.3 Movie Activity: Freedom Writers 128 Connect Enable Others to Act to Module 8: Personal Leadership Journal 130 Practice Summary 131 Module 7: Encourage the Heart: Practice Overview and Guided Discussion 133 Practice Summary 134 Framing Encourage the Heart for Your Students 134 Helping Students Understand and Apply the Behaviors of Encourage the Heart 137 Further Actions to Improve in Encourage the Heart 143 Activities to Learn About and Apply Encourage the Heart 145 Activity 7.1 Web of Appreciation 145 Activity 7.2 Recognition Cards 146 Activity 7.3 Movie Activity: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone 148 Connect Encourage the Heart to Module 8: Personal Leadership Journal 149 Practice Summary 150 Module 8: Personal Leadership Journal 151 Overview and Guidelines for Continuing Your Leadership Development Journey 152 After Reviewing Your Student LPI Data 153 After Reviewing the Leadership Practice of Model the Way 154 After Reviewing the Leadership Practice of Inspire a Shared Vision 156 After Reviewing the Leadership Practice of Challenge the Process 158 After Reviewing the Leadership Practice of Enable Others to Act 160 After Reviewing the Leadership Practice of Encourage the Heart 162 Module 9: Sample Student Leadership Development Curricula 165 Seven–Session Cocurricular Workshop Series 166 Sample Academic Course Curriculum: Six–Week Module 170 One–Day Workshop or Retreat 174 Onward! 179 Appendix A: Student Leadership Practices Inventory Behavior Statements 181 Appendix B: Ten Tips for Becoming a Better Leader 185 Acknowledgments 191 About the Authors 193

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-39008-5
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 208
  • Fecha Publicación: 18/06/2013
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés