The Leadership Challenge Workbook Revised

The Leadership Challenge Workbook Revised

Kouzes, James M.
Posner Barry Z.

23,71 €(IVA inc.)

Essential, practical tools for implementing evidence–based leadership development The Leadership Challenge Workbook offers practical tools for applying The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® in real–life business situations. As the companion to The Leadership Challenge, this workbook provides essential hands–on guidance for planning, implementation, people–management, and more. This new revised third edition has been updated to match The Leadership Challenge Sixth Edition text. It includes easy–to–use worksheets to simplify planning and collectively assemble into a clear blueprint for moving forward. By focusing on the notion of leadership development as a journey rather than an event, this interactive guide provides critical insight through a proven, systematic process. Implementing big ideas requires skillful change leadership and any successful, sustainable change begins with thorough, practical planning. This workbook helps you map out a plan and put it into action, with tools that help clarify your thinking and translate your big ideas into concrete strategies. Streamline planning with practical, efficient worksheets Assemble a blueprint for effectively implementing your ideas Improve communication, strengthen commitment, and build trust Adopt a systematic approach to leadership to continue producing exemplary results The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership is a proven model backed by decades of research and data from over 4 million individuals. It is proven, practical, and evidence–based, and has helped leaders from around the globe improve their organizations? performance. With the need for quality leadership development at an all–time high, real–world application of proven models becomes critical; The Leadership Challenge Workbook gives you the hands–on tools you need to more effectively implement a robust, systematic approach. INDICE: Introduction 1 .1 How to Use Th is Workbook 7 .2 The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership® 11 .3 Selecting Your Personal–Best Leadership Project 19 .4 Model the Way 29 .5 Inspire a Shared Vision 49 .6 Challenge the Process 75 .7 Enable Others to Act 91 .8 Encourage the Heart 109 .9 Reflecting on Your Personal–Best Leadership Project 127 .10 The Challenge Continues 143 .Acknowledgments 145 .About the Authors 147

  • ISBN: 978-1-119-39756-4
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 160
  • Fecha Publicación: 28/07/2017
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés