The leadership challenge

The leadership challenge

Kouzes, James M.

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INDICE: Preface: Getting Extraordinary Things Done in Organizations. 1 WHATLEADERS DO AND WHAT CONSTITUENTS EXPECT. 1 THE FIVE PRACTICES OF EXEMPLARY LEADERSHIP 3 Leadership Opportunities Are Everywhere. The Five Practices of Exemplary Leadership. Leadership Is a Relationship. The Ten Commitments of Leadership. 2 CREDIBILITY IS THE FOUNDATION OF LEADERSHIP. What People Look For and Admire in Leaders. Putting It All Together: Credibility Is the Foundation. 2 MODEL THE WAY. 3 CLARIFY VALUES. Find Your Voice. Affirm Shared Values. Reflection and Action. 4 SET THE EXAMPLE. Personify the Shared Values. Teach Others toModel the Values. Reflection and Action. 3 INSPIRE A SHARED VISION. 5 ENVISION THE FUTURE. Imagine the Possibilities. Find a Common Purpose. Reflection andAction. 6 ENLIST OTHERS. Appeal to Common Ideals. Animate the Vision. Reflection and Action. 4 CHALLENGE THE PROCESS. 7 SEARCH FOR OPPORTUNITIES. Seize theInitiative. Exercise Outsight. Reflection and Action. 8 EXPERIMENT AND TAKE RISKS. Generate Small Wins. Learn from Experience. Reflection and Action 5 ENABLE OTHERS TO ACT. 9 FOSTER COLLABORATION. Create a Climate of Trust. Facilitate Relationships. Reflection and Action. 10 STRENGTHEN OTHERS. Enhance Self-Determination. Develop Competence and Confidence. Reflection and Action. 6 ENCOURAGE THE HEART. 11 RECOGNIZE CONTRIBUTIONS. Expect the Best. Personalize Recognition. Reflection and Action. 12 CELEBRATE THE VALUES AND VICTORIES. Create a Spirit of Community. Be Personally Involved. Reflection and Action. 7 LEADERSHIP FOR EVERYONE. 13 LEADERSHIP IS EVERYONES BUSINESS. You Are the Most Important Leader in Your Organization. Leadership Is Learned. Leaders Make a Difference. First Lead Yourself. Moral Leadership Calls Us to Higher Purposes. Humility Is the Antidote to Hubris. Leadership Is in the Moment. The Secret to Success in Life. Notes. Acknowledgments. About the Authors. Index.

  • ISBN: 978-0-7879-8492-2
  • Editorial: Jossey Bass
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 416
  • Fecha Publicación: 20/08/2008
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés