Sovereign debt: from safety to default

Sovereign debt: from safety to default

Kolb, Robert W.

84,90 €(IVA inc.)

INDICE: Introduction. Acknowledgments. Part I: The Political Economy of Sovereign Debt. 1 Sovereign Debt: Theory, Defaults, and Sanctions (Robert W. Kolb). 2 The Institutional Determinants of Debt Intolerance (Raffaela Giordano andPietro Tommasino). 3 Output Costs of Sovereign Default (Bianca De Paoli, Glenn Hoggarth, and Victoria Saporta). 4 Spillovers of Sovereign Default Risk: HowMuch is the Private Sector Affected (Udaibir S. Das, Michael G. Papaioannou, and Christoph Trebesch). 5 Sovereign Debt Problems and Policy Gambles (Samuel W. Malone). 6 Sovereign Debt and the Resource Curse (Mare Sarr, Erwin Bulte, Chris Meissner, and Tim Swanson). 7 Sovereign Debt and Military Conflict (Zane M. Kelly). Part II: Making Sovereign Debt Work. 8 Fiscal Policy, Government Institutions, and Sovereign reditworthiness (Bernardin Akitoby and Thomas Stratmann). 9 Corruption and Creditworthiness: Evidence from Sovereign Credit Ratings (Craig A. Depken, II, Courtney L. LaFountain, and Roger B. Butters). 10 Institutions, Financial Integration, and Complementarity (Nicola Gennaioli, Alberto Martin, and Stefano Rossi). 11 Loans versus Bonds: The Importance of Potential Liquidity Problems for Sovereign Borrowers (Issam Hallak and Paul Schure). 12 First-Time Sovereign Bond Issuers: Considerations in Accessing International Capital Markets (Udaibir S. Das, Michael G. Papaioannou, and Magdalena Polan). 13 A Note on Sovereign Debt Auctions: Uniform or Discriminatory (Menachem Brenner, Dan Galai, and Orly Sade)? 14 Pension Reform and Sovereign Credit Standing (Alfredo Cuevas, María González, Davide Lombardo, and Arnoldo López-Marmolejo). Part III: Sovereign Defaults, Restructurings, and the Resumption of Borrowing. 15 Understanding Sovereign Default (Juan Carlos Hatchondo, Leonardo Martinez, and Horacio Sapriza). 16 Are Sovereign Defaulters Punished?: Evidence from Foreign Direct Investment Flows (Michael Fuentes and Diego Saravia). 17 Supersanctions and Sovereign Debt Repayment (Kris James Mitchener and Marc D. Weidenmier). 18 Debt Restructuring Delays: Measurement and Stylized Facts (Christoph Trebesch). 19 IMF Interventions in Sovereign Debt Restructurings (JavierDíaz-Cassou and Aitor Erce). 20 Resuming Lending to Countries following a Sovereign Debt Crisis (Luisa Zanforlin). Part IV: Legal and Contractual Dimensions of Restructurings and Defaults. 21 A Code of Conduct for Sovereign Debt Restructuring: An Important Component of the International Financial Architecture (Kathrin Berensmann)? 22 Governing Law of Sovereign Bonds and Legal Enforcement (Issam Hallak). 23 Sovereign Debt Restructuring: The Judge, the Vultures andCreditor Rights (Marcus H. Miller and Dania Thomas). 24 Sovereign Debt Documentation and the Pari Passu Clause (Umakanth Varottil). 25 Collective Action Clauses in Sovereign Bonds (Sönke Häseler). 26 Sovereignty, Legitimacy, and Creditworthiness (Odette Lienau). 27 Odious Debts or Odious Regim

  • ISBN: 978-0-470-92239-2
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 456
  • Fecha Publicación: 16/02/2011
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés