Reflective Practice in Social Work

Reflective Practice in Social Work

Knott, Christine
Scragg, Terry

74,88 €(IVA inc.)

Reflective practice is a key element of learning and development on social work courses and it is an important aspect of social work practice. This accessible and introductory text explores a range of approaches to reflective practice that will help students become more confident in answering the question 'what is reflective practice?' There are sections on writing reflective journals, communicating well with service users and carers and reflective practice while on placements. Written in three parts, this essential guide starts with a broad exploration of reflection, drawing on key texts that have informed its development. It then moves on to real practice issues including the management of social work practice and interprofessional working. Finally, part three looks at maintaining reflective practice and how to use these skills during your time as a social worker. Fully updated with the Professional Capabilities Framework, this third edition is a must-have for all social work students at the beginning of their careers. INDICE: PART ONE: WHAT IS REFLECTIVE PRACTICE?Reflective Practice RevisitedGetting StartedReflecting on emotion in social workPART TWO: DEVELOPING THE REFLECTIVE PRACTITIONERReflection as a catalyst in the development of personal and professional effectivenessThe importance of the perspective of carers and service usersReflection and avoiding professional dangerousnessGender and reflective practiceReflective practice on placementPART THREE: MAINTAINING REFLECTIVE PRACTICEWorking with your managerReflective practice for collaborative working

  • ISBN: 978-1-4462-7266-4
  • Editorial: Learning Matters
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 192
  • Fecha Publicación: 21/08/2013
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: