Fundraising for Social Change

Fundraising for Social Change

Klein, Kim

56,78 €(IVA inc.)

The bible of grassroots fundraising, updated with the latest tools and methods Fundraising for Social Change is the preeminent guide to securing funding, with a specific focus on progressive nonprofit organizations with budgets under $5 million. Used by nonprofits nationally and internationally, this book provides a soup–to–nuts prescription for building, maintaining, and expanding an individual donor program. Author Kim Klein is a recognized authority on all aspects of fundraising, and this book distills her decades of expertise into fundraising strategies that work. This updated seventh edition includes new information on the impact of generational change, using social media effectively, multi–channel fundraising, and more, including expanded discussion on retaining donors and on legacy giving. Widely considered the ?bible of grassroots fundraising,? this practically–grounded guide is an invaluable resource for anyone who has to raise money for important causes. A strong, sustainable fundraising strategy must possess certain characteristics. You need people who are willing to ask and realistic goals. You need to gather data and use it to improve results, and you need to translate your ideas in to language donors will understand. A robust individual donor program creates stable and long–term cash flow, and this book shows you how to structure your fundraising appropriately no matter how tight your initial budget. Develop and maintain a large base of individual donors Utilize strategies that pay off sooner rather than later Expand your reach and get your message out to the donor pool Translate traditional fundraising methods into strategies that work for social justice organizations with little or no front money Basing your fundraising strategy on the contributions of individual donors may feel like herding cats but it?s the best way for your organization to maintain maximum freedom to pursue the mission that matters. A robust, organized, planned approach can help you reach your goals sooner, and Fundraising for Social Change is the field guide for putting it all together to make big things happen. INDICE: Part One: What s New, What s Hot, What s Over, What s Not .Chapter one: Nonprofits and the Money They Raise .The Size and Scope of the Sector .Where Money for Nonprofits Comes From .Who Receives Charitable Giving .Chapter Two: Creating A Fundraising Philosophy .Chapter Three: Be Clear About What the Money Will Do .What is in the Case Statement .Why does your organization exist? What do you most believe? .What are your goals? What do you do? .What Have You Accomplished? .Who is involved in this organization and how does it run? .How much does it cost for your organization to function, and where do you get your money? .Creating a Strategic Plan .Developing the Case Statement .Chapter Four: What You Have to Understand to Begin Fundraising .Focus on Diversifying Donors .Appeal to People Who Give .Why People Give .Asking People to Give Is Easy to Learn .Chapter Five: The Importance of a Good Board of Directors .The Board and Fundraising .Time and Money .The Role of Paid Staff .Our Board Members Don t Have Any Money .Common Board Problems and Suggested Solutions .Too Much Is Expected of Board Members .Individual Board Members Feel Overworked .The Board Avoids Making Decisions .Decisions Are Made, Then Forgotten .There Is No Accountability. .Moving Past Board Problems .Recruiting Board Members Willing to Help with Fundraising .The Orientation .Advisory Boards .When to Form an Advisory Board .Forming the Advisory Board .Using Other Volunteers for Fundraising .Part Two: Ask Them, Thank Them, Ask Them Again .Chapter Six: Financial Needs and Fundraising Strategies .Annual Needs .Asking Several Times a Year .Attracting New Donors .Capital Needs .Endowment and Reserve Funds .Three Goals for Every Donor .Three Types of Strategies .You Can t Save Time .Chapter Seven: Thank Before You Bank .People Need to Be Appreciated .Don t Do As I Say .Do It Now .Logistics and Content .Sample Computer Generated Thank Yous .Thank You Calls .Common Questions .Chapter Eight: Getting Comfortable with Asking .Why We re Afraid to Ask for Money .Specific Fears .Chapter 9: Ask a Real Prospect .Ask a Prospect .Steps in Creating a Prospect List .Chapter 10: How to Ask .The Most Formal Approach .Sometimes You Only Need Step One or Step Two .The E–Mail or Letter .The Phone Call .The Meeting .Chapter 11: Strengthening Relationships by Creating Categories of Donors .Longevity .Size .Frequency .Donors Who Just Started Giving .Staying in Touch with Donors .Part Three: Strategies for Acquisition and Retention .Chapter 12: Multi–channel Fundraising .Chapter 13: What Successful Mass Appeals Have In Common .A Good List .An Understanding of the Psychology of an Appeal .Test and Evaluate .Chapter 14: Direct Mail .Acquisition: Get Someone to Give for the First Time .Retention: Get Donors to Repeat Their Gift .Upgrade: Ask Donors to Renew Their Gift .Using Direct Mail on a Smaller Scale .The Direct Mail Appeal Package .Benefits and Premiums .Using Direct Mail to Seek Renewal Gifts .Chapter 15: Internet .Follow the Research .Focus on your website and building your e–mail list .Driving Traffic to Your Site .E–Mail .Chapter 16: Using the Telephone .Basic Technique of the Phone–a–Thon .The Night of the Phone–a–Thon .After the Phone–a–Thon .Getting Publicity for Your Phone–a–Thon .Other Uses of the Phone–a–Thon .Chapter 17: Special Events .Types of People Who Attend Special Events .Choosing a Fundraising Event .The Logistics of a Special Event .Tasks of the Committee .Prepare a Budget .What Not to Forget .The Evaluation .Chapter 18: Establishing Voluntary Fees for Service .What to Charge For .Voluntary Fees .Introducing the Process of Collecting Fees .When Service Is Provided by Phone or E–Mail .Chapter 19: Door–to–Door and Street Canvassing .Advantages and Disadvantages .Elements Needed to Run a Canvass .Setting Up a Canvass .The Door to Door Canvasser s Work Day .Retaining Donors Acquired Through a Canvass .Chapter 20: Opportunistic Fundraising .Sunday .The Next Sunday .Tuesday. .Thursday. .Friday Night. .Find Your Own Opportunities .Part Four: Inviting Current Donors to Make Bigger Gifts .Chapter 21 : Building Major Donor Programs .Setting a Goal .Deciding How Many Gifts and What Size .How Many People to Ask .Materials for Major Gift Solicitation .Keeping in Touch with Major Donors .Renewing Major Donor Gifts .The Hardest Year .Chapter 22: Setting Up and Maintaining Recurring Donor Programs .Creating a Recurring Donor Program .Ongoing Promotion .Collecting Monthly Donations .Keeping Track of Recurring Donors .Chapter 23: Legacy Giving .Getting Ready for a Legacy Giving Program .Preparing to Talk About Legacy Giving .The Importance of a Will .Motivating Donors to Make a Will .The Bequest .How Someone Makes a Bequest .Gifts from Insurance and Retirement Funds .Introducing Your Legacy Giving Program .Chapter 24: Setting Up an Endowment .Endowment Defined .Benefits of Endowments .Disadvantages of Endowments .Considering an Endowment or Reserve Fund .The Authorization .Part Five: Using a Campaign Strategy for Raising Large Amounts of Money .Chapter 25: What All Large Campaigns Have in Common .Step 1: Set a Goal and Create A Gift Range Chart .Step 2: Create the Timeline .Step 3: Form a Solicitation Team .Step 4: Compile and Organize the List of Prospects .Step 5: Solicit the Gifts .Chapter 26: Raising Money for Capital .Best Use of Capital Campaigns .Beginning a Capital Campaign .Four Phases of the Campaign .Post–Campaign .Chapter 27: Endowment Campaigns .Setting a Goal .The Solicitation Team .A Clear Case For Support .Chapter 28: Conducting Feasibility Studies .Who Conducts the Feasibility Study .Whether to Do a Study .What Feasibility Studies Tell You .Achieving Success .Part Six: Budgeting and Planning .Chapter 29: Developing a Budget .Step 1: Estimate Expenses and Income Separately .Step 2: Meet, Compare, Negotiate .Ongoing Monitoring .Chapter 30: Creating a Fundraising Plan .Step 1. Set a Goal. .Step 2. Spell out the details of each income strategy. .Step 3. Plot Out Your Plans for Raising Money from Individuals. .Step 4. Decide on Numbers of Donors and Match Them to Strategies. .Step 5. Put the Plan onto a Timeline and Fill Out the Tasks. .Raise, Don t Cut .Chapter 31: The Perennial Question of Clean and Dirty Money .Chapter 32: What to Do in Case of Financial Trouble .Cash Flow Problems .Deficit Spending .Serious Accounting Errors, Mismanagement of Funds, or Embezzlement .Part Seven: Fundraising Management .Chapter 33: Infrastructure for Fundraising .Guidelines .Every Day: .Every Week .Watch for Time Sinks. .Action Plans .Chapter 34: Hiring a Development Director .The Role of a Fundraiser or Development Director .The Tasks of the Fundraiser .Solving Your Problems .Paying the Development Director .How to Find a Capable Development Director .Chapter 35: Using a Consultant, Coach, Mentor, or Trainer .Consultant .Trainer .Mentor .Coach .Working with a Consultant .What Fundraising Consultants Can Do .What Fundraising Consultants Generally Don t Do .How to Choose a Consultant .Paying Consultants .No Miracle Workers .Chapter 36: Dealing with Anxiety .Recruit Volunteers and Delegate. .Keep Your Priorities Clear. .Detach from the Results of Your Work. .Recognize That There Are External Forces Beyond Your Control. .Take Care of Yourself. .Part Eight: You the Fundraiser .Chapter 37: Know What You Need to Know .Information You Need for Fundraising .Get a Good Database .The Importance of Donor Records .Keeping Your List in Shape .Your Filing System .Sticking with It .Chapter 38: Working with Your Executive Director .On Defensiveness .Chapter 39: Working with Volunteers .Invite People to Participate in Fundraising. .Take the Time Necessary to Orient Volunteers to Your Fundraising Program. .Help Each Volunteer Choose the Fundraising Strategies He or She Will Feel Most Comfortable Doing. .Remember That Good Enough Is Good Enough. .Show Genuine and Frequent Appreciation. .Give Volunteers Time Off. .Chapter 40: When You Encounter Ethical Dilemmas .Three Moral Dilemmas .Three Tools .Part Nine: Special Circumstances .Chapter 41: Raising Money in Rural Communities .The Many Definitions of Rural .Raising the Money You Need in a Rural Community .Prospects .Strategies for Raising Money .Conclusion .Chapter 42: Fundraising for a Coalition .Examine the Problem .Some Solutions .Chapter 43: When No One Is Paid .Effective Orientation of New Volunteers .Finding Volunteers .Chapter 44: When You Are Just Starting Out

  • ISBN: 978-1-119-20977-5
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 448
  • Fecha Publicación: 08/06/2016
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés