Inspiration and Innovation: Religion in the American West

Inspiration and Innovation: Religion in the American West

Kerstetter, Todd M.

22,46 €(IVA inc.)

Covering more than 200 years of history from pre–contact to the present, this textbook places religion at the center of the history of the American West, examining the relationship between religion and the region and their influence on one another. A comprehensive examination of the relationship between religion and the American West and their influence on each other over the course of more than 200 years Discusses diverse groups of people, places, and events that played an important historical role, from organized religion and easily recognized denominations to unorganized religion and cults Provides straightforward explanations of key religious and theological terms and concepts Weaves discussion of American Indian religion throughout the text and presents it in dialogue with other groups Enriches our understanding of American history by examining key factors outside of traditional political, economic, social, and cultural domains INDICE: Acknowledgements                                                                viii List of Illustrations                                                                     x   Introduction                                                                             1   1   Indigenous Religions in the West                                              8 A r c t i c                                                                                                          12 Su b–Arctic                                                                                                 13 N o r t h w es t Coast                                                                                       16 Pl ai ns                                                                                                         18 Pl a t e a u                                                                                                      20 G r e a t B asin                                                                                                  22 C a l ifo r n i a                                                                                                 23 S o u t h w es t                                                                                                  24 C o m m o n Themes                                                                                      27 C o n c l u s i o n                                                                                                29 S u g gested Rea din g                                                                                       30   2   Missions to New Worlds                                                       32 S p ai n                                                                                                          34 F r a nc e                                                                                                        50 R u ss i a                                                                                                         60 C o n c l u s i o n                                                                                                66 S u g gested Rea din g                                                                                       67       vi                                       Contents   3   Migrations, Manifest Destiny, and Mormons, 1803–1860       69 T r a nsplanting Religions in the US Imperial Period                               71 Protestantism                                                                                        71 Roman Catholicism                                                                            80 Judaism                                                                                                 83 Asian religions                                                                                      85 R el i g i o n a n d Manifest Destiny                                                                  86 M o r m o ns and the Quest for Zion                                                            91 The Mormon Question, 1852–1860                                                   103 C o n c l u s i o n                                                                                             107 S u g gested Rea din g                                                                                     108   4   The West and Religion in the Era of the Civil War and Reconstruction, 1860–1890                                               109 P r otest a n t i s m i n the West                                                                            112 C a t h o l i cism i n the West                                                                              119 J u d a i s m i n the West                                                                                  124 As i a n Religions in the West                                                                       127 The Mormon Question and the Mormon Answer, 1862–1890       127 A m erican Indian Religious Experiences                                                135 C o n c l u s i o n                                                                                             150 S u g gested Rea din g                                                                                     150   5   Religion in the Modern West, 1890–1945                              152 M o r m o n i s m                                                                                              155 C a t h o l i cism                                                                                            157 A m erican Indians and Religion                                                          162 As i a n Religions and Influence                                                                 169 M od ernism, Fundamentalism, and t h e Spirit of the West                                                                              172 W or l d War I and Religion in the West                                                    177 The Sunbelt and the Bible Belt                                                              178 W or l d War II and Religion in the West                                                   188 C o n c l u s i o n                                                                                             189 S u g gested Rea din g                                                                                     190   6   Religion in the Cold War West, 1945–1965                           192 R el i g i o u s I n n o v a t i o n                                                                                 197 Buddhism and the Beats                                                                 197 Scientology                                                                                         198 Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and religion                            199       C o n t ents                                      vii   The Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints                                                                               201 The Native American Church                                                          206 H i s p an i cs a n d Religion in the West                                                             207 E v an gelicals a n d the Sunbelt West                                                           210 C o n c l u s i o n                                                                                             216 S u g gested Rea din g                                                                                     216   7   Creativity and Controversy after 1965                                218 I mm i g ra t i o n Reform and Asian Religions in the West                          220 R el i g i o n i n the Hispanic West                                                                       224 N e w Religious Movements                                                                       227 R el i g i o n a n d the Internet in the West                                                      240 The Megachurch Boom                                                                               242 R el i g i o n i n the Native West                                                                      251 P a t hs t o the Present in Mormon Wests                                                    254 C o n c l u s i o n                                                                                             258 S u g gested Rea din g                                                                                     258   Conclusion: The Frontier that Wouldn’t Close                           260 Index                                                                                    000

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-84838-8
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 288
  • Fecha Publicación: 31/12/2014
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés