Set theory: the third millennium edition, revised and expanded

Set theory: the third millennium edition, revised and expanded

Jech, Thomas

124,75 €(IVA inc.)

This monograph covers the recent major advances in various areas of set theory. .From the reviews:."One of the classical textbooks and reference books in set theory.The present '˜Third Millennium' a whole new book. In three parts the author offers us what in his view every young set theorist should learn and master.This well-written book promises to influence the next generation of set theorists, much as its predecessor has done." --MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS. INDICE: I. Basic Set Theory.- Axioms of Set Theory.- Ordinal Numbers.- Cardinal Numbers.- Real Numbers.- The Axiom of Choice and Cardinal Arithmetic.- The Axiom of Regularity.- Filters, Ultrafilters and Boolean Algebras.- Stationary Sets.- Combinatorial Set Theory.- Measurable Cardinals.- Borel and AnalyticSets.- Models of Set Theory.- II. Advanced Set Theory.- Constructible Sets.- Forcing.- Applications of Forcing.- Iterated Forcing and Martin's Axiom.- Large Cardinals.- Large Cardinals and L.- Iterated Ultrapowers and LÄUÜ.- Very Large Cardinals.- Large Cardinals and Forcing.- Saturated Ideals.- The Nonstationary Ideal.- The Singular Cardinal Problem.- Descriptive Set Theory.- The Real Line.- III. Selected Topics.- Combinatorial Principles in L.- More Applications of Forcing.- More Combinatorial Set Theory.- Complete Boolean Algebras.- Proper Forcing.- More Descriptive Set Theory.- Determinacy.- Supercompact Cardinals and the Real Line.- Inner Models for Large Cadinals.- Forcing and Large Cardinals.- Martin's Maximum.- More on Stationary Sets.- Bibliography.- Notation.- Index.- Name Index.

  • ISBN: 978-3-642-07899-6
  • Editorial: Springer
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Fecha Publicación: 31/03/2012
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés