Spanish for getting along: basic spanish series

Spanish for getting along: basic spanish series

Jarvis, Ana
Lebredo, Raquel
Mena-Ayllón, Francisco

43,09 €(IVA inc.)

BASIC SPANISH FOR GETTING ALONG is a communication worktext that applies the grammar learned in Basic Spanish and puts it to practical use. The worktext presents realistic situations a learner could encounter in everyday life with dialogue completions, role plays, and realia-based activities. Basic Spanish forGetting Along contains two Lecciones preliminares(preliminary lessons), twenty lessons and four review sections (Repasos) to correlate with the Basic Spanish core text in structure and content. The second edition boasts a rich media package that allows students to access everything they need for their Spanish course. The Basic Spanish Resource Center houses a plethora of student and instructor assets including in-text audio MP3s, cultural activities, video based grammar tutorials, chapter quizzes, PowerPoint slides, in-text answer keys andmuch, much more! Also new to the second edition is the Basic Spanish for Getting Along iLrn Learning Center. This invaluable product lets students completeworktext activities online while accessing the Basic Spanish eBook. iLrn offers diagnostic tests with auto-generate study plans so students can gauge theirprogress and focus their studies on their weak areas. INDICE: Preface. Lección preliminar I. Conversaciones breves. Structures:1. Greetings and farewells. 2. Cardinal numbers 0-39. 3. The alphabet. 4. Days of the week. 5. Months of the year. 6. Colors. Communication: Greetings and farewells - Polite expressions - Days of the week - Months of the year. Culture: How to address and greet people - Names and surnames. Lección preliminar II. En el club. Structures: 1. Gender and number. 2. The definite and indefinite articles. 3. Subject pronouns. 4. The present indicative of ser. 5. Uses ofhay. 6. Cardinal numbers 40-299. Communication: Answering the phone - Inquiring about origin - Discussing quantities Culture: Different ways to answer the phone according to countries - How to address adults with respect. Lección 1. En el restaurante Don Pepe, en Madrid. Structures: 1. The present indicative of regular -ar verbs. 2. Interrogative and negative sentences. 3. Forms and position of adjectives. 4. Telling time. 5. Cardinal numbers 300-1,000. Communication: How to order a meal - Asking for the check and discussing method of payment. Culture: España. Eating habits in Spanish-speaking countries - Methods of payment. Lección 2. íFeliz aniversario! Structures: 1. Agreement of adjectives, nouns, and adjectives. 2. The present indicative of regular -er and -ir verbs. 3. Possession with de. 4. Possessive adjectives. 5. The personal a. Communication: More restaurants and eating out. Culture: México. - Mealtime customs - Godparents. Lección 3. Navidad en Guatemala. Structures: 1. The irregular verbs ir, dar, and estar. 2. Ir a+ infinitive. 3. Uses of the verbs ser and estar. 4. Contractions. Communication: How to describe people and circumstances - Exchanges at a party - How to discuss plans Culture: Guatemala. Family ties - Celebrations - Salsa. Lección 4. En el hotel. Structures: 1. The irregular verbs tener and venir. 2. Expressions with tener. 3. Comparative forms. 4. Irregular comparative forms. Communication: Discussing accommodations andprices at a hotel - Getting additional information. Culture: Honduras y El Salvador. Types of hotels in Latin America - The naming of children. Lección 5. De vacaciones en Managua. Structures: 1. Stem-changing verbs (e:ie). 2. Someuses of the definite article. 3. The present progressive. 4. Ordinal numbers.Communication: How to discuss prices and accommodations at a boarding house - Errands and excursions while travelling. Culture: Nicaragua. Meals - Boarding houses in the Hispanic world. Repaso Lecciones 1-5. Lección 6. En una pensión en San José. Structures: 1. Stem-changing verbs (o:ue). 2. Affirmative and negative expressions. 3. Pronouns as object of a preposition. 4. Direct objectpronouns Communication: Commenting on accommodations at a boarding house - Making plans. Culture: Costa Rica. Living arrangements for students - Pharmacies in the Hispanic world. Lección 7. íBuen viaje! Structures:1. Stem-changing verbs (e:i). 2. Irregular first-person forms. 3. Saber contrasted with conocer. 4. Indirect object pronouns. Communication: How to make travel arrangements and get information about travelling. Culture: Puerto Rico. Travelling to Cuba. Lección 8. Los deportes y las actividades al aire libre. Structures:1. Pedircontrasted with preguntar. 2. Special construction with gustar, doler, and hacer falta. 3. Demonstrative adjectives and pronouns. 4. Direct and indirect object pronouns used together. Communication: Planning outdorr activities and talking about sports. Culture: República Dominicana. Soccer and baseball in the Hispanic world. Lección 9. Un día con Adela y Mario. Structures: 1. Possessivepronouns. 2. Reflexive constructions. 3. Command forms: Ud. and Uds. 4. Uses of object pronouns with command forms. Communication: How to talk about daily routine - At the hairdresser - Getting ready to go out. Culture: Venezuela. Women in Hispanic countries - American products in Spain and Latin America -Popular forms of entertainment. Lección 10. Los quehaceres de casa. Structures:1. The preterit of regular verbs. 2. The preterit of ser, ir and dar. 3. Uses of por and para. 4. Seasons of the year and weather expressions Communication: How to talk about what took place - How to talk about household chores Culture: Colombia. Coffee in social situations - Markets and supermarkets in theHispanic world. Repaso Lecciones 6-10. Lección 11. Hoy tenemos mucho que hacer. Structures: 1. Time expressions with hacer. 2. Irregular preterits. 3. The preterit of stem-changing verbs (e:i and o:u). 4. Command forms: tú Communication: How to talk about the preparation of meals - More about household chores. Culture: Ecuador. Women's and men's roles - Nicknames. Lección 12. Un matrimonio peruano va de compras. Structures: 1. En and a as equivalents of at. 2. The imperfect tense. 3. The past progressive. 4. The preterit contrasted with the imperfect Communication: Shopping for clothes. Culture: Perú. Different ways of shopping in the Hispanic world. Lección 13. En una tienda por departamentos en La Paz. Structures: 1. Changes in meaning with the imperfect and preterit of conocer, saber, and querer. 2. Hace meaning ago. 3. Uses of se 4. ¿Qué? and ¿Cuál? used with ser. Communication: More about shopping: clothes, shoes, jewelery. Culture: Bolivia. Stores in Hispanic cities. Lección 14. Problemas con el coche. Structures: 1. The past participle. 2. The present perfect tense 3. The past perfect (pluperfect) tense. Communication: How to deal with situations related to automobiles. Culture: Paraguay. The use of the automobile in the Hispanic world. Lección 15. Alquilando un coche. Structures:1. The future tense. 2

  • ISBN: 978-0-495-90267-6
  • Editorial: Heinle & Heinle
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 368
  • Fecha Publicación: 31/01/2010
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés