The enlightened leader: an introduction to the chakras of leadership

The enlightened leader: an introduction to the chakras of leadership

Hoopen, Peter Ten

28,72 €(IVA inc.)

INDICE: Foreword. Authors Note. PART I: ENLIGHTENMENT IN THEORY. A Lofty Notion. The survival of the happiest. What is Leadership? Definition and size-up. Leadership and management - related yet fundamentally different. Endarkened Leadership. Historical context. Leave your brain outside and bring your body indoors. Double standards in standard curriculum. Warning: dont engage in duplicity if itll make you sick. The conscience-free corporation. Imposition of will - how much of a future? What is Followership? The leading role of the follower. The high art of inspiring others to lead. What is Enlightenment? Practicaland ideal enlightenment. What is Enlightened Leadership? Leadership from within. How valuable is the corporate personality? How to Reach Enlightenment. Honesty as a first step. The will as aid and obstacle. Enlightened Leaders SpeakeOut. Bill George, ex-ceo Medtronic: Commitment to a purpose or mission. Dee Hock, founder of Visa International: Induced behaviour. Robert E. Staub: Love generates more profits. Andrew Cohen, spiritual leader: Becoming one with your destiny. Aviv Shahar, founder of Amber Coaching: A new type of awareness. Jim Dreaver, management guru: Being present without agenda. PART II: THE CHAKRAS. The Seven Chakras of Leadership. Why chakras. Chakras as containers of meaning. How does this work in practice? The chakras and the human phases of development. Chakra Test helps to see your own chakras. 1. Root Chakra: Survival. The chakra of survival. The chakra of our relationship to the material world. The one you neglect at your peril. The root cause of many problems. Short term orientation killing long term potential. Some fundamental stuff. Root Chakra dominant: Case Bob H. - boom or bust. Root Chakra disdained spurned: Archetype Edwin D. - the return to dust. Paradox at the Root Level. 2. Sacral Chakra: Relationships, Creativity. The chakra of connectedness and creation. A problem-chakra par excellence. Sexuality - suppression or celebration? Feel free to feel. Do not identify with your feelings. Emotionality as chocolate mousse. All great art comes from the gut. Competing for best cooperation. What role for relationships? Gut feeling. Creative sparkle. Sacral Chakra wide open: Archetype Francis W. - beloved by all. Sacral Chakra dominant: Archetype Carlo F. charming till the grave. 3. Solar Plexus Chakra: Respect, Willpower. The chakra governing manifestation of our will. Power and how to apply it. Womens weak spot. Womens special gift. Willpower and how to gain respect. Inner-Directed Push or Outer-Directed Pull. An enlightening intermezzo. Imposition versus attraction. Solar Plexus Chakra never woke up: Archetype William D. - the handicap of comfort. Solar Plexus Chakra dominant: Archetype Roger T willpower masquerading as detachment. 4. Heart Chakra: Love. The chakra of the heart - in all connotations. A force for the good. The chakra of insight into human nature. The chakra of turnaround. A private example. Leadership with Heart-Power. Courage and caution, passion and control. Heart Power and the lack of it. Heart Chakra wide open: Archetype Manous D. maternal love and courage. Heart Chakra seized up: Case John D. - the poverty of cunning. 5. Throat Chakra: Communication. The chakra of a yearning for purity. The chakra of communication - verbal and non-verbal. Nexus where inner and outer world meet. The path of integrity. A look in the mirror. Throat Chakra in clinch: Archetype Agnes W - strained voice over-used. Throat Chakra wide open: Archetype Norbert G. mission driven voice. 6. Third Eye Chakra: Insight, Intuition. The chakra for contact with the higher self. The third eye helps see more dimensions. The third eye and the pineal gland.Intuitive leadership - when to bring into play? How to strengthen your intuition. Everyone starts enlightened. Integration is of the essence. Egomania galore. Ego as the destroyer of value. Third Eye Chakra wide shut: Archetype Mary Z. - clueless in wonderland. Third Eye Chakra wide open: Archetype Herman D. -an eye for coincidences. 7. Crown Chakra: Universal Consciousness. The chakraof cosmic consciousness. Exalted state of being, or cunning pretence? Subtle massage in the service of exploitation? The chakra that transcends all. Reconciliation across a wide spectrum. Is there life beyond Maslow? Crown Chakra dominant: Archetype Trevor M. - Sanctity First. Crown Chakra blossoming: Archetype Y.H. - the Enlightened Leader. Balanced Energy Economy. How hallowed is the highest? Running on All Seven. PART III: ENLIGHTENMENT IN PRACTICE. A Higher Reality in Sight. Liberation from inner tyranny. What is wisdom? How is wisdom attained? The Wisdom of the Sea Urchin. Clarity is achieved by eliminating distractions. Obstacles on societys growth path. The Courage to Stand Up. A desirable shift of focus. Corporate Social Responsibility - a cosmetic exercise? Business as Agent for World Benefit. The work Ahead. Appendix. Notes. Index.

  • ISBN: 978-0-470-71396-9
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 288
  • Fecha Publicación: 26/01/2009
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés