Contending voices, volume II: since 1865

Contending voices, volume II: since 1865

Hollitz, John

39,17 €(IVA inc.)

Each chapter in CONTENDING VOICES examines the lives of two individuals, someof them familiar historical figures and some of them lesser known, who took opposing positions on important issues in American history. The "paired biographies" in the text are followed by a set of four to six related primary sources, many in the individuals' own voices; a "Questions to Consider" section; and an annotated bibliography. This unique format promotes critical thinking and engages students in historical debates. INDICE: 1. Race and Redemption in the Reconstructed South: Robert Smalls and Carl Schurz. 2. Craftsmen and Buccaneers in an Industrial Age: Terrence Powderly and Jay Gould. 3. Farmers and the "New South": Tom Watson and Henry Grady. 4. Sex, Anarchism, and Domestic Science in Progressive America: Emma Goldman and Ellen Richards. 5. Progressives at War: Randolph Bourne and George Creel. 6. Science, Religion, and "Culture Wars" in the 1920s: William Jennings Bryan and Clarence Darrow. 7. A Black Leader Comments on the Scopes Trial (1925). 7. Politics and the Big Screen in the Great Depression: Upton Sinclair and Louis B. Mayer. 8. Racism and Relocation During World War II: Harry Ueno and Dillon Myer. 9. Confrontation and Compromise in the Cold War: James Byrnes and Henry A. Wallace. 10. Politics and Principle in the Second Red Scare: Joseph McCarthy and Margaret Chase Smith. 11. From Black Protest to Black Power: Roy Wilkins and Fannie Lou Hamer. 12. The Battlefields of Vietnam: Robert McNamara andJan Barry. 13. From Mystique to Militance: Betty Friedan and Gloria Steinem. 14. Individualism and the Environment in the 1980s: Edward Abbey and James Watt. 15. The War on Terror.

  • ISBN: 978-0-495-90471-7
  • Editorial: Wadsworth
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 304
  • Fecha Publicación: 08/09/2010
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés