Fundamentals of physics pt. 2, chapters

Fundamentals of physics pt. 2, chapters

Halliday, David
Resnick, Robert
Walker, Jearl

73,79 €(IVA inc.)

ÍNDICE: 12 EQUILIBRIUM AND ELASTICITY. 12-1 What Is Physics? 12-2 Equilibrium. 12-3 The Requirements of Equilibrium. 12-4 The Center of Gravity. 12-5 Some Examples of Static Equilibrium. 12-6 Indeterminate Structures. 12-7 Elasticity. REVIEW s Law of Gravitation. 13-3 Gravitation and the Principle of Superposition. 13-4 Gravitation Near Earths Surface. 13-5 Gravitation Inside Earth. 13-6 Gravitational Potential Energy. 13-7 Planets and Satellites: Keplers Laws.13-8 Satellites: Orbits and Energy. 13-9 Einstein and Gravitation. REVIEW s Principle. 14-7 Archimedes Principle. 14-8 Ideal Fluids in Motion. 14-9 The Equation of Continuity. 14-10 Bernoullis Equation. REVIEW I. 16-1 What Is Physics? 16-2 Types of Waves. 16-3 Transverse and Longitudinal Waves. 16-4 Wavelengthand Frequency. 16-5 The Speed of a Traveling Wave. 16-6 Wave Speed on a Stretched String. 16-7 Energy and Power of a Wave Traveling Along a String. 16-8 The Wave Equation. 16-9 The Principle of Superposition for Waves. 16-10 Interference of Waves. 16-11 Phasors. 16-12 Standing Waves. 16-13 Standing Waves and Resonance. REVIEW II. 17-1 What Is Physics? 17-2 Sound Waves. 17-3 The Speed ofSound. 17-4 Traveling Sound Waves. 17-5 Interference. 17-6 Intensity and Sound Level. 17-7 Sources of Musical Sound. 17-8 Beats. 17-9 The Doppler Effect. 17-10 Supersonic Speeds, Shock Waves. REVIEW s Number. 19-3 Ideal Gases. 19-4 Pressure, Temperature, and RMS Speed. 19-5 Translational Kinetic Energy. 19-6 Mean Free Path. 19-7 The Distribution of Molecular Speeds. 19-8 The Molar Specific Heats of an Ideal Gas. 19-9 Degrees of Freedom and Molar Specific Heats. 19-10 A Hint of Quantum Theory. 19-11 The Adiabatic Expansion of an Ideal Gas.REVIEW & SUMMARY. QUESTIONS. PROBLEMS. 20 ENTROPY AND THE SECOND LAW OF THERMODYNAMICS. 20-1 What Is Physics? 20-2 Irreversible Processes and Entropy. 20-3Change in Entropy. 20-4 The Second Law of Thermodynamics. 20-5 Entropy in theReal World: Engines. 20-6 Entropy in the Real World: Refrigerators. 20-7 The Efficiencies of Real Engines. 20-8 A Statistical View of Entropy. REVIEW & SUMMARY. QUESTIONS. PROBLEMS. APPENDICES. A The International System of Units (SI). B Some Fundamental Constants of Physics. C Some Astronomical Data. D Conversion Factors. E Mathematical Formulas. F Properties of the Elements. G Periodic Table of the Elements. ANSWERS to Checkpoints and Odd-Numbered Questions andProblems. INDEX.

  • ISBN: 978-0-470-54792-2
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 304
  • Fecha Publicación: 03/06/2011
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés