The morphology of the hupa language

The morphology of the hupa language

Goddard, Pliny Earle

132,57 €(IVA inc.)

The Hupa are a small community isolated in their home by thesurrounding mountains. The valley which bears their name isin Humboldt county, California, on the Trinity river a fewmiles above its confluence with the Klamath. They number nowabout 450. The older people speak their own languagechiefly, the younger all employ the Hupa language in theirhome life, but have a good command of English for theirintercourse with white people.The Hupa language belongs the Athapascan stock, however itdiffers widely from the other languages of this stock. Inthe presentation of the morphological facts the number ofexamples has not been limited, that the conclusions drawnmay be easily and quickly justified, and that material maybe available for comparative studies. Little regard has beenpaid to the terms and forms of formal grammar, since theytend to obscure the facts of a language in many respectsquite different from those to which they were originallyapplied (adopted from the introduction).Contents: Nouns (classified according to form and lentgh,monosyllabic with possessive prefix, polysyllabic withoutdescriptive meaning, verbs as nouns, etc), pronouns, numerals,adjectives, verbs (classified and structure), roots listed inalphabetic order, suffixes, etc.

  • ISBN: 978-3-862-90117-3
  • Editorial: LINCOM EUROPA GmbH
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 344
  • Fecha Publicación: 01/06/2012
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés