Professional ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB

Professional ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB

Gaylord, Jason N.
Wenz, Christian
Rastogi, Pranav
Miranda, Todd
Hanselman, Scott

49,92 €(IVA inc.)

The all–new approach for experienced ASP.NET professionals! ASP.NET is Microsoft?s technology for building dynamically generated web pages from database content. Originally introduced in 2002, ASP.NET has undergone many changes in multiple versions and iterations as developers have gained a decade of experience with this popular technology. With that decade of experience, this edition of the book presents a fresh, new overhauled approach. A new focus on how to build ASP.NET sites and applications relying on field–tested reliable methods Integration of One ASP.NET philosophy treating ASP.NET Web Forms and ASP.NET MVC as equal tools each with their proper time and place Coverage of hot new ASP.NET 4.5 additions such as the Web API, Websockets and HTML5 & CSS3 use in layout but only to the extent that the tools themselves are practical and useful for working ASP.NET developers Professional ASP.NET 4.5 in C# and VB  is an essential tool for programmers who need to be productive and build reliably performing sites with the latest ASP.NET Framework and Visual Studio. INDICE: FOREWORD xli INTRODUCTION xliii PART I: ASP.NET FUNDAMENTALS CHAPTER 1: ONE ASP.NET 3 Introducing One ASP.NET 3 Evolution of ASP.NET 4 The Web Evolves and We Evolve with It 5 Simplifying a Complex Ecosystem 6 Web Ecosystem 7 Getting Started Is Easy 8 Integrating the Ecosystem Is Easy 9 Real–World Example 11 How Do You Benefi t? 14 ASP.NET Makes Getting Started Easy 14 ASP.NET Supports the Web Ecosystem 14 ASP.NET Makes Finding, Adding, and Updating Lego Blocks to Your Site Easy 15 ASP.NET Helps You Apply Concepts from One Framework to Another 15 ASP.NET Moves as Fast as the Web 15 Summary 16 CHAPTER 2: HTML5 AND CSS3 DESIGN WITH ASP.NET 17 Caveats 18 HTML5 Overview 18 New Elements, Attributes, and Values in HTML5 19 Using the New HTML5 Markup 22 New APIs in HTML5 23 CSS3 Overview 24 Creating Style Sheets 25 CSS Rules 27 CSS Inheritance 34 Element Layout and Positioning 35 New Features in CSS3 41 HTML and CSS Compatibility 45 Working with HTML and CSS in Visual Studio 46 Working with CSS in Visual Studio 46 Styling ASP.NET Controls 48 HTML and CSS Improvements in Visual Studio 2012 50 Page Inspector 51 Summary 52 CHAPTER 3: ASP.NET WEB FORMS STRUCTURE 53 Application Location Options 53 Using File System (IIS Express) 54 Using IIS 55 Using FTP 56 The ASP.NET Page Structure Options 57 Inline Coding 57 Code–Behind Model 59 ASP.NET 4.5 Page Directives 61 @Page 62 @Master 64 @Control 66 @Import 67 @Implements 69 @Register 69 @Assembly 70 @PreviousPageType 70 @MasterType 70 @OutputCache 71 @Reference 71 ASP.NET Page Events 71 Dealing with Postbacks 73 Cross–Page Posting 73 ASP.NET Application Folders 78 App—Code Folder 78 App—Data Folder 82 App—GlobalResources Folder 82 App—LocalResources Folder 83 App—WebReferences Folder 83 App—Browsers Folder 83 Compilation 83 Build Providers 87 Using the Built–In Build Providers 88 Using Your Own Build Providers 89 Global.asax 93 Working with Classes through Visual Studio 2012 96 Summary 99 PART II: CONTROLS CHAPTER 4: ASP.NET SERVER CONTROLS AND CLIENT–SIDE SCRIPTS 103 ASP.NET Server Controls 104 Types of Server Controls 104 Building with Server Controls 105 Working with Server Control Events 107 Applying Styles to Server Controls 108 HTML Server Controls 111 Looking at the HtmlControl Base Class 112 Looking at the HtmlContainerControl Class 113 Looking at All of the HTML Classes 113 Using the HtmlGenericControl Class 114 Identifying ASP.NET Server Controls 115 Manipulating Pages and Server Controls with JavaScript 117 Using Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptBlock 119 Using Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript 120 Using Page.ClientScript.RegisterClientScriptInclude 122 Summary 122 CHAPTER 5: ASP.NET WEB SERVER CONTROLS 123 An Overview of Web Server Controls 124 The Label Server Control 124 The Literal Server Control 126 The TextBox Server Control 127 Using the Focus() Method 127 Using Auto Post Back 128 Using Auto Complete Type 129 The Button Server Control 130 The Causes Validation Property 130 The Command Name Property 130 Buttons That Work with Client–Side JavaScript 131 The LinkButton Server Control 133 The ImageButton Server Control 134 The HyperLink Server Control 134 The DropDownList Server Control 135 Visually Removing Items from a Collection 137 The ListBox Server Control 139 Allowing Users to Select Multiple Items 139 An Example of Using the ListBox Control 139 Adding Items to a Collection 141 The CheckBox Server Control 142 How to Determine Whether Check Boxes Are Checked 143 Assigning a Value to a Check Box 143 Aligning Text around the Check Box 144 The CheckBoxList Server Control 144 The RadioButton Server Control 146 The RadioButtonList Server Control 148 Image Server Control 149 Table Server Control 151 The Calendar Server Control 153 Making a Date Selection from the Calendar Control 153 Choosing a Date Format to Output from the Calendar 154 Making Day, Week, or Month Selections 155 Working with Date Ranges 155 Modifying the Style and Behavior of Your Calendar 157 AdRotator Server Control 160 The Xml Server Control 161 Panel Server Control 162 The PlaceHolder Server Control 164 BulletedList Server Control 165 HiddenField Server Control 171 FileUpload Server Control 172 Uploading Files Using the FileUpload Control 172 Giving ASP.NET Proper Permissions to Upload Files 175 Understanding File Size Limitations 176 Uploading Multiple Files from the Same Page 177 Placing the Uploaded File into a Stream Object 180 Moving File Contents from a Stream Object to a Byte Array 181 MultiView and View Server Controls 181 Wizard Server Control 185 Customizing the Side Navigation 186 Examining the Allow Return Attribute 187 Working with the Step Type Attribute 187 Adding a Header to the Wizard Control 188 Working with the Wizard’s Navigation System 189 Utilizing Wizard Control Events 190 Using the Wizard Control to Show Form Elements 191 ImageMap Server Control 196 Summary 198 CHAPTER 6: VALIDATION SERVER CONTROLS 199 Understanding Validation 199 Client–Side versus Server–Side Validation 200 ASP.NET Validation Server Controls 201 Validation Causes 202 Unobtrusive Validation in ASP.NET 4.5 203 The Required Field Validator Server Control 205 The Compare Validator Server Control 209 The Range Validator Server Control 212 The Regular Expression Validator Server Control 216 The Custom Validator Server Control 217 The Validation Summary Server Control 222 Turning Off Client–Side Validation 224 Using Images and Sounds for Error Notifications 225 Working with Validation Groups 227 Summary 230 CHAPTER 7: USER AND SERVER CONTROLS 231 User Controls 232 Creating User Controls 232 Interacting with User Controls 234 Loading User Controls Dynamically 235 Server Controls 240 Server Control Projects 240 Control Attributes 244 Control Rendering 245 Styling HTML 251 Adding Client–Side Features 253 Browser Capabilities 261 Using View State 263 Raising Postback Events 267 Handling Postback Data 270 Composite Controls 273 Templated Controls 275 Design–Time Experiences 279 Summary 296 PART III: DATA ACCESS CHAPTER 8: DATA BINDING 299 Data Source Controls 299 Sql Data Source Control 301 Access Data Source Control 307 Linq Data Source Control 307 Entity Data Source Control 307 Using the Query Extender for Complex Filters 309 Xml Data Source Control 310 Object Data Source Control 311 Site Map Data Source Control 313 Data Source Control Caching 313 Data–Bound Controls 314 GridView 314 Editing GridView Row Data 323 Deleting GridView Data 329 Details View 330 Inserting, Updating, and Deleting Data Using Details View 333 List View 334 Form View 340 Other Data–Bound Controls 343 Tree View 343 Menu 344 Chart 344 Inline Data–Binding Syntax 347 Data–Binding Syntax 348 XML Data Binding 348 Using Expressions and Expression Builders 349 Summary 353 CHAPTER 9: MODEL BINDING 355 Model Binding 355 Selecting Data 356 Paging 357 Filtering 357 Using Value Providers 358 Inserting Data 359 Updating Data 360 Using Strongly Typed Controls 362 Extending Model Binding 363 Custom Value Providers 363 Custom Model Binders 365 Custom Model Data Source 367 Summary 369 CHAPTER 10: QUERYING WITH LINQ 371 LINQ to Objects 372 Understanding Traditional Query Methods 372 Replacing Traditional Queries with LINQ 376 Grouping Data Using LINQ 384 Using Other LINQ Operators 385 Making LINQ Joins 386 Paging Using LINQ 387 LINQ to XML 388 A Simple LINQ to XML Example 389 Joining XML Data 392 LINQ to SQL 393 Using the O/R Mapper 393 Accessing and Querying Data 395 Using Other SQL Query Methods 399 Making Insert, Update, and Delete Queries through LINQ 401 LINQ to Entities 405 Creating an Entity Framework Data Model 406 Accessing Data 406 Writing LINQ Queries 407 Summary 409 CHAPTER 11: ENTITY FRAMEWORK 411 Can We Speak the Same Language? 412 Development Workflow Options 413 The Entity Data Model 414 Creating Your First Entity Data Model 414 Working through the EDM Wizard 416 Using the Entity Framework Designer 418 Building an ASP.NET Web Form Using Your EDM 420 Understanding Relationships 422 One–to–One and One–to–Many Relationships 422 Many–to–One and Many–to–Many Relationships 425 Performing Inheritance within the EDM 427 Using the Entity Data Source Control 430 Creating the Base Page 430 Configuring the Data Source Control 431 Entity Framework Code First 433 Creating a Code First Model 433 Convention over Configuration 437 Relationships in Code First 437 Code First Migrations 440 Summary 442 CHAPTER 12: ASP.NET DYNAMIC DATA 443 Dynamic Data Features 443 Looking at the Core Files Created in the Default Application 443 Application Features 444 Running the Application 445 Results of the Application 445 Adding Dynamic Data to an Existing Application 448 Understanding Model Binding 449 Attribute Driven UI 450 Attribute Driven Validation 452 Summary 453 CHAPTER 13: WORKING WITH SERVICES 455 Communication between Disparate Systems 455 Building a Simple XML Web Service 457 The Web Service Page Directive 458 Looking at the Base Web Service Class File 458 Exposing Custom Datasets as SOAP 459 The XML Web Service Interface 462 Consuming a Simple XML Web Service 464 Adding a Web Reference 464 Invoking the Web Service from the Client Application 466 Overloading Web Methods 468 Caching Web Service Responses 472 Using SOAP Headers 472 Building a Web Service with SOAP Headers 473 Consuming a Web Service Using SOAP Headers 474 Requesting Web Services Using SOAP 1.2 476 Consuming Web Services Asynchronously 478 Windows Communication Foundation 480 WCF Overview 481 Building a WCF Service 481 Building the WCF Consumer 488 Adding a Service Reference 488 Working with Data Contracts 490 Defining Name spaces 495 Using WCF Data Services 495 Creating Your First Service 496 Querying the Interface 502 Consuming WCF Data Services in ASP.NET 512 ASP.NET Web API 515 Building Your First Web API 515 Understanding Web API Routing 520 Consuming a Web API 521 Summary 525 PART IV: PROVIDERS CHAPTER 14: INTRODUCTION TO THE PROVIDER MODEL 529 Understanding the Provider 530 The Provider Model in ASP.NET 4.5 531 Setting Up Your Provider to Work with Microsoft SQL Server 2005, 2008, or 2012 532 Membership Providers 537 Role Providers 540 The Personalization Provider 544 The Site Map Provider 545 Session State Providers 546 Web Event Providers 548 Configuration Providers 554 Summary 557 CHAPTER 15: EXTENDING THE PROVIDER MODEL 559 Providers Are One Tier in a Larger Architecture 559 Modifying through Attribute–Based Programming 560 Simpler Password Structures through the Sql Membership Provider 561 Stronger Password Structures through the Sql Membership Provider 563 Examining ProviderBase 564 Building Your Own Providers 566 Creating the CustomProviders Application 566 Constructing the Class Skeleton Required 567 Creating the XML User Data Store 570 Defining the Provider Instance in the web.config File 570 Not Implementing Methods and Properties of the Membership Provider Class 571 Implementing Methods and Properties of the Membership Provider Class 572 Using the Xml Membership Provider for User Login 579 Extending Preexisting Providers 580 Limiting Role Capabilities with a New Limited Sql Role Provider Provider 581 Using the New LimitedSqlRoleProvider Provider 584 Summary 588 PART V: ASP.NET FEATURES CHAPTER 16: WORKING WITH MASTER PAGES 591 Why Do You Need Master Pages? 592 The Basics of Master Pages 593 Coding a Master Page 594 Coding a Content Page 597 Mixing Page Types and Languages 600 Specifying Which Master Page to Use 601 Applying the Master Page Template to a Subset of Pages 602 Working with the Page Title 602 Working with Controls and Properties from the Master Page 603 Specifying Default Content in the Master Page 609 Programmatically Assigning the Master Page 611 Nesting Master Pages 611 Container–Specifi c Master Pages 615 Event Ordering 616 Caching with Master Pages 617 ASP.NET AJAX and Master Pages 618 Summary 620 CHAPTER 17: SITE NAVIGATION 621 XML–Based Sitemaps 622 Site Map Path Server Control 623 The Path Separator Property 625 The Path Direction Property 627 The Parent Levels Displayed Property 627 The Show Tool Tips Property 628 The Site Map Path Control’s Child Elements 628 TreeView Server Control 629 Identifying the TreeView Control’s Built–In Styles 632 Examining the Parts of the TreeView Control 633 Binding the TreeView Control to an XML File 634 Selecting Multiple Options in a Tree View 636 Specifying Custom Icons in the Tree View Control 639 Specifying Lines Used to Connect Nodes 640 Working with the TreeView Control Programmatically 642 Menu Server Control 647 Applying Diff erent Styles to the Menu Control 648 Using Menu Events 652 Binding the Menu Control to an XML File 652 Site Map Data Provider 654 Show Starting Node 654 Start From Current Node 655 Starting Node Off set 656 Starting Node Url 656 SiteMap API 657 URL Mapping 659 Sitemap Localization 660 Structuring the Web.sitemap File for Localization 660 Making Modifications to the web.config File 661 Creating Assembly Resource (.resx) Files 661 Testing the Results 662 Security Trimming 663 Setting Up Role Management for Administrators 664 Setting Up the Administrators’ Section 665 Enabling Security Trimming 666 Nesting SiteMap Files 668 Summary 669 CHAPTER 18: PERSONALIZATION 671 The Personalization Model 672 Creating Personalization Properties 672 Adding a Simple Personalization Property 672 Using Personalization Properties 673 Adding a Group of Personalization Properties 676 Using Grouped Personalization Properties 677 Defining Types for Personalization Properties 678 Using Custom Types 678 Providing Default Values 680 Making Personalization Properties Read–Only 681 Anonymous Personalization 681 Enabling Anonymous Identification of the End User 681 Working with Anonymous Identification 683 Anonymous Options for Personalization Properties 684 Warnings about Anonymous User Profile Storage 685 Programmatic Access to Personalization 685 Migrating Anonymous Users 685 Personalizing Profiles 687 Determining Whether to Continue with Automatic Saves 687 Using Profile Information in Web Application Projects 688 Personalization Providers 690 Working with SQL Server Express Edition 691 Working with Microsoft SQL Server 692 Using Multiple Providers 693 Using Universal Providers 694 Managing Application Profiles 695 Properties of the ProfileManager Class 695 Methods of the ProfileManager Class 695 Building the Profile Manager Page 696 Examining the Profile Manager Page’s Code 698 Running the Profile Manager Page 700 Summary 700 CHAPTER 19: MEMBERSHIP AND ROLE MANAGEMENT 701 ASP.NET 4.5 Authentication 702 Setting Up Your Website for Membership 702 Adding Users 705 Asking for Credentials 718 Working with Authenticated Users 725 Showing the Number of Users Online 727 Dealing with Passwords 728 ASP.NET 4.5 Authorization 732 Using the LoginView Server Control 732 Setting Up Your Website for Role Management 734 Adding and Retrieving Application Roles 737 Deleting Roles 739 Adding Users to Roles 739 Getting All the Users of a Particular Role 740 Getting All the Roles of a Particular User 741 Removing Users from Roles 743 Checking Users in Roles 743 Understanding How Roles Are Cached 744 Using the SimpleMembership API 745 Using the Web Site Administration Tool 746 Public Methods of the Membership API 746 Public Methods of the Roles API 747 Integrating OAuth and OpenID Authentication 748 Using OpenID 748 Using OAuth 752 Summary 758 CHAPTER 20: SECURITY 759 Applying Authentication Measures 760 The Node 761 Windows–Based Authentication 761 Forms–Based Authentication 768 Authenticating Specifi c Files and Folders 776 Programmatic Authorization 777 Working with User.Identity 777 Working with User.IsInRole() 779 Pulling More Information with WindowsIdentity 779 Identity and Impersonation 782 Securing through IIS 784 Working with File Extensions 784 Using the IIS 7.x/8 Manager 786 Using the ASP.NET MMC Snap–In 787 Summary 787 PART VI: APPLICATION STATE CHAPTER 21: STATE MANAGEMENT 791 Your Session State Choices 792 Understanding the Session Object in ASP.NET 794 Sessions and the Event Model 794 Configuring Session State Management 795 In–Process Session State 795 Out–of–Process Session State 802 SQL–Backed Session State 807 Extending Session State with Other Providers 810 Cookieless Session State 811 Choosing the Correct Way to Maintain State 812 The Application Object 813 QueryStrings 813 Cookies 814 Postbacks and Cross–Page Postbacks 814 Hidden Fields, ViewState, and ControlState 816 Using HttpContext.Current.Items for Very Short–Term Storage 820 Summary 821 CHAPTER 22: CACHING 823 Caching 824 Output Caching 824 Partial Page (UserControl) Caching 827 Post–Cache Substitution 828 HttpCachePolicy and Client–Side Caching 830 Caching Programmatically 832 Data Caching Using the Cache Object 832 Controlling the ASP.NET Cache 833 Cache Dependencies 834 .NET 4.x’s New Object Caching Option 839 Using the SQL Server Cache Dependency 842 Enabling Databases for SQL Server Cache Invalidation 843 Enabling Tables for SQL Server Cache Invalidation 843 Looking at SQL Server 843 Looking at the Tables That Are Enabled 844 Disabling a Table for SQL Server Cache Invalidation 844 Disabling a Database for SQL Server Cache Invalidation 845 SQL Server Cache Invalidation 845 Configuring Your ASP.NET Application 847 Testing SQL Server Cache Invalidation 848 Adding More Than One Table to a Page 850 Attaching SQL Server Cache Dependencies to the Request Object 850 Attaching SQL Server Cache Dependencies to the Cache Object 851 Summary 854 PART VII: CLIENT–SIDE DEVELOPMENT CHAPTER 23: ASP.NET AJAX 857 Understanding the Need for Ajax 857 Before Ajax 858 Ajax Changes the Story 858 ASP.NET AJAX and Visual Studio 2012 860 Client–Side Technologies 861 Server–Side Technologies 862 Developing with ASP.NET AJAX 862 Building ASP.NET AJAX Applications 862 Building a Simple ASP.NET Page without Ajax 864 Building a Simple ASP.NET Page with Ajax 865 ASP.NET AJAX’s Server–Side Controls 870 The ScriptManager Control 871 The ScriptManagerProxy Control 873 The Timer Control 874 The UpdatePanel Control 875 The UpdateProgress Control 879 Using Multiple UpdatePanel Controls 882 Working with Page History 885 Script Combining 890 Summary 894 CHAPTER 24: AJAX CONTROL TOOLKIT 895 Downloading and Installing the Ajax Control Toolkit 896 The ASP.NET AJAX Controls 898 Ajax Control Toolkit Extenders 899 Always Visible Control Extender 900 AnimationExtender 902 AutoCompleteExtender 903 BalloonPopupExtender 906 Calendar Extender 907 Collapsible Panel Extender 908 Color Picker Extender 910 Confirm Button Extender and Modal Popup Extender 911 Drag Panel Extender 913 Drop Down Extender 914 Drop Shadow Extender 916 Dynamic Populate Extender 919 Filtered Text Box Extender 922 Hover Menu Extender 923 List Search Extender 925 Masked Edit Extender and Masked Edit Validator 926 Mutually Exclusive Check Box Extender 928 Numeric Up Down Extender 929 Paging Bulleted List Extender 930 Popup Control Extender 931 Resizable Control Extender 933 Rounded Corners Extender 935 Slider Extender and MultiHandle Slider Extender 936 Slide Show Extender 937 TextBox Watermark Extender 939 Toggle Button Extender 941 Update Panel Animation Extender 942 Validator Callout Extender 944 Ajax Control Toolkit Server Controls 945 Accordion Control 945 Cascading DropDown 947 NoBot Control 950 Password Strength Control 952 Rating Control 952 Tab Container Control 954 Summary 955 CHAPTER 25: JQUERY 957 Introduction to jQuery 958 Selecting Elements 962 Modifying Elements 964 Modifying Content 965 Adding and Removing Elements 966 Event Handling 968 Ajax 970 jQuery UI 978 Summary 981 CHAPTER 26: REAL–TIME COMMUNICATION 983 Traditional Real–Time Communication Options 983 Using Comet 984 Polling 985 Server–Sent Events 985 Drawbacks of the Existing Approaches 986 HTML5 WebSockets 986 What Is WebSockets? 986 TCP/IP 987 TCP/HTTP 988 Introducing the WebSockets Protocol 988 WebSockets Data Transfer 990 WebSockets API 991 WebSockets in ASP.NET 4.5 991 Benefits of Using WebSockets 995 SignalR 996 What Is SignalR? 997 Server–Side SignalR in ASP.NET 997 Client–Side SignalR in ASP.NET 998 Summary 1000 CHAPTER 27: DEVELOPING WEBSITES WITH MOBILE IN MIND 1001 Facing Mobile Web Design Challenges 1002 Responsive Design and Adaptive Design 1002 Modifying the Viewport 1003 Using CSS Media Queries 1005 ASP.NET Mobile Applications 1007 Detecting Mobile Browsers and Devices 1007 Serving Mobile Master Pages 1007 Creating Mobile Web Forms 1009 Friendly URLs in ASP.NET Web Forms 1011 ASP.NET MVC 4 Mobile Applications 1011 Adaptive Rendering in ASP.NET MVC 4 1012 Creating Mobile–Specific Views 1014 Providing Display Modes 1016 Including jQuery Mobile and the ViewSwitcher 1018 Using the Mobile Application Project Template 1022 Testing Your Mobile Applications 1022 Summary 1023 PART VIII: APPLICATION CONFIGURATION AND DEPLOYMENT CHAPTER 28: CONFIGURATION 1027 Configuration Overview 1027 Server Configuration Files 1028 Application Configuration File 1031 Applying Configuration Settings 1031 Detecting Configuration File Changes 1032 Configuration File Format 1033 Common Configuration Settings 1033 Connection Strings 1034 Configuring Session State 1035 Compilation Configuration 1038 Custom Errors 1040 Authentication 1041 Anonymous Identity 1043 Authorization 1044 Locking–Down Configuration Settings 1046 ASP.NET Page Configuration 1046 Include Files 1048 Configuring ASP.NET Runtime Settings 1049 Configuring the ASP.NET Worker Process 1051 Storing Application–Specific Settings 1053 Programming Configuration Files 1054 Protecting Configuration Settings 1059 Editing Configuration Files 1062 Creating Custom Sections 1063 Using the Name Value File Section Handler Object 1064 Using the Dictionary Section Handler Object 1064 Using the Single Tag Section Handler Object 1065 Using Your Own Custom Configuration Handler 1066 Using Configuration Transforms 1068 Adding web.config Transforms 1068 Updating the Config Transform File 1070 Bundling and Minification 1072 What Is Bundling and Minification? 1072 Enabling Bundling and Minification 1073 Summary 1074 CHAPTER 29: DEBUGGING AND ERROR HANDLING 1075 Design–Time Support 1075 Syntax Notifi cations 1076 Immediate and Command Window 1077 Task List 1077 Tracing 1078 System.Diagnostics.Trace and ASP.NET’s Page.Trace 1078 Page–Level Tracing 1079 Application Tracing 1079 Viewing Trace Data 1079 Tracing from Components 1082 Trace Forwarding 1083 TraceListeners 1083 Diagnostic Switches 1087 Web Events 1089 Debugging 1090 What’s Required 1091 Starting a Debugging Session 1092 Tools to Help You with Debugging 1093 Historical Debugging with IntelliTrace 1096 Debugging Multiple Threads 1096 Client–Side JavaScript Debugging 1097 SQL Stored Proc Debugging 1098 Exception and Error Handling 1098 Handling Exceptions on a Page 1099 Handling Application Exceptions 1099 Http Status Codes 1100 Debugging with Page Inspector 1101 Summary 1104 CHAPTER 30: MODULES AND HANDLERS 1105 Processing HTTP Requests 1105 IIS 6 and ASP.NET 1106 IIS 7 and IIS 8 and ASP.NET 1106 ASP.NET Request Processing 1107 Http Modules 1108 Http Handlers 1113 Generic Handlers 1113 Mapping a File Extension in IIS 1118 Summary 1119 CHAPTER 31: ASYNCHRONOUS COMMUNICATION 1121 Asynchronous Programming 1121 Why Async? 1122 When to Write Async Code 1122 History of Async 1122 Early Async 1123 Task and TAP 1124 Async/Await 1124 Async in ASP.NET 1125 Thread Pools 1126 Writing Async Code 1127 Parallelism 1131 Server Configuration 1132 Pitfalls of Using Async 1133 Summary 1133 CHAPTER 32: BUILDING GLOBAL APPLICATIONS 1135 Cultures and Regions 1135 Understanding Culture Types 1136 The ASP.NET Threads 1137 Server–Side Culture Declarations 1140 Client–Side Culture Declarations 1141 Translating Values and Behaviors 1142 ASP.NET 4.5 Resource Files 1152 Making Use of Local Resources 1152 Making Use of Global Resources 1159 Summary 1161 CHAPTER 33: PACKAGING AND DEPLOYING ASP.NET APPLICATIONS 1163 Deployment Pieces 1164 Steps to Take before Deploying 1164 Methods of Deploying Web Applications 1165 Using XCopy 1165 Using the VS Copy Web Site Option 1167 Deploying a Precompiled Web Application 1170 Building an ASP.NET Web Package 1172 Looking More Closely at Publish Profiles 1175 Deploying to Windows Azure Web Sites 1181 Summary 1184 PART IX: ADDITIONAL ASP.NET TECHNOLOGIES CHAPTER 34: ASP.NET MVC 1187 Defining Model–View–Controller 1188 MVC on the Web Today 1188 Model–View–Controller and ASP.NET 1189 Serving Methods, Not Files 1189 Is This the Future of Web Forms? 1189 Why Not Web Forms? 1190 ASP.NET MVC Is Totally Diff erent! 1190 Why “(ASP.NET > ASP.NET MVC) == True” 1190 Convention over Configuration 1192 The Third Request Is the Charm 1195 Understanding Routes and URLs 1197 Routing Compared to URL Rewriting 1198 Defining Routes 1198 Controllers 1203 Defining the Controller: The IController Interface 1203 The Controller Class and Actions 1204 Working with Parameters 1205 Working with Multiple Parameters 1206 Views 1207 Specifying a View 1208 ASP.NET MVC Layouts 1209 Strongly Typed Views 1212 Using HTML Helper Methods 1213 Html Helper Class and Extension Methods 1213 Summary 1214 CHAPTER 35: ASP.NET WEB PAGES AND RAZOR 1215 Overview of ASP.NET Web Pages 1216 Creating an HTML Form Using Razor 1216 Displaying Data 1221 Validation 1225 Using Layouts 1227 Using Helpers 1229 Core Helpers 1229 Adding Functionality Using Helpers 1232 Creating Custom Helpers 1234 Summary 1235 PART X: APPENDIXES APPENDIX A: MIGRATING OLDER ASP.NET PROJECTS 1239 Migrating Is Not Difficult 1239 Running Multiple Versions of the Framework Side by Side 1240 In–Place Upgrade 1240 Upgrading Your ASP.NET Applications 1240 When Mixing Versions—Forms Authentication 1241 Upgrading—ASP.NET Reserved Folders 1242 ASP.NET 4.5 Pages Come as HTML5 1243 No Hard–Coded .js Files in ASP.NET 4.5 1244 Visual Studio 2012 Project Compatibility 1245 Migrating from ASP.NET 2.0/3.5/4.0 to 4.5 1245 Summary 1246 APPENDIX B: COM INTEGRATION 1247 COM Interop: Using COM within .NET 1247 The Runtime Callable Wrapper 1248 Using COM Objects in ASP.NET Code 1248 Error Handling 1252 Deploying COM Components with .NET Applications 1255 Private Assemblies 1255 Public Assemblies 1256 Summary 1256 APPENDIX C: ASP.NET ULTIMATE TOOLS 1257 Debugging Made Easier 1257 Firebug 1257 YSlow 1258 IE10 Developer Tools 1259 jQuery and jQuery UI 1260 Profilers: dotTrace or ANTS 1260 References 1261 and 1261 Visibone 1262 1262 1262 Slow Cheetah 1262 Tidying Up Your Code 1263 Refactor! for ASP.NET from DevExpress 1263 Microsoft Ajax Minifi er—JavaScript Minimizer 1263 Extending ASP.NET 1264 Ajax Control Toolkit 1264 Atif Aziz’s ELMAH—Error Logging Modules and Handlers 1265 Helicon’s ISAPI—Rewrite and IIS7 URLRewrite 1265 General–Purpose Developer Tools 1266 Telerik’s Online Code Converter 1266 Win Merge and Differencing Tools 1266 .NET Reflector 1266 Process Explorer 1266 Summary 1267 APPENDIX D: ADMINISTRATION AND MANAGEMENT 1269 The ASP.NET Web Site Administration Tool 1269 The Home Tab 1271 The Security Tab 1271 The Application Tab 1280 The Provider Tab 1283 Configuring ASP.NET in IIS on Windows 8 1284 .NET Compilation 1285 .NET Globalization 1286 .NET Profile 1287 .NET Roles 1287 .NET Trust Levels 1288 .NET Users 1289 Application Settings 1290 Connection Strings 1290 Pages and Controls 1291 Providers 1292 Session State 1292 SMTP E–mail 1293 Summary 1293 APPENDIX E: DYNAMIC TYPES AND LANGUAGES 1295 Implicit Types 1295 The Dynamic Language Runtime 1296 Dynamic Lookup 1299 Summary 1303 APPENDIX F: ASP.NET ONLINE RESOURCES 1305 Author Blogs and Twitter IDs 1305 ASP.NET Influential Blogs 1305 Websites 1306 Twitter Folks Worth Following 1306 APPENDIX G: VISUAL STUDIO EXTENSIBILITY WITH NUGET 1309 Using NuGet in Visual Studio 1310 Managing NuGet Packages with the Window 1311 Managing NuGet Packages with the Console 1318 Creating a NuGet Package 1321 Creating a NuGet Package from an Assembly 1322 Creating a NuGet Package from a Project 1324 Publishing a NuGet Package 1325 Hosting NuGet Packages 1326 File Share Hosting 1326 IIS Hosting 1327 Extending Visual Studio with NuGet 1329 Creating the Power Shell Script Files 1329 Adding Files to the NuGet Package 1330 Editing the NuGet Package Metadata 1330 Deploy the NuGet Package 1331 Summary 1331 INDEX 1333

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-31182-0
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 1440
  • Fecha Publicación: 10/05/2013
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés