Fundamentals of Human Imaging Connectomics

Fundamentals of Human Imaging Connectomics

Fornito, Alex
Zalesky, Andrew
Bullmore, Edward

74,83 €(IVA inc.)

Fundamentals of Human Imaging Connectomics is the first book to provide an accessible, practical, and comprehensive introduction to imaging connectomics for researchers of any background. Written by experts in all areas of the field, this book contains nontechnical, conceptual, and instructive discussion of each of the core principles of imaging connectomics. Featuring intuitive diagrams, graphical illustrations of key concepts, step-by-step explanations of mathematical formulae, and recommendations for best practices, Fundamentals of Human Imaging Connectomics is an indispensable guide for researchers studying the human connectome. The only volume to offer a step-by-step introduction to connectomics suitable for both researchers and students.Provides a general overview, discussion of various issues involved in using neuroimaging to build a connectomic map, the main measures used to analyze connectomic data, an intro to advanced topics in the field, and discussion of as yet unresolved issues and future directions.Helps readers determine how they can best use fMRI/DTI data to make a brain network, how they can analyze that network using graph theory, and how they can compare/interpret their findings across different groupsAssumes no prior knowledge beyond basic training in human MRI, and adopts a consistent format across chapters to facilitate learning and linking of different concepts INDICE: Section 1: Introduction to the Connectome 1. Why Connectomics? 2. How to Build a Connectome Section 2: Building a Connectome 3. Pre-Processing: Structural Connectivity 4. Pre-Processing: Functional Connectivity 5. Defining Network Nodes 6. Defining Structural Connections 7. Defining Functional Connections 8. Graph Analysis Basics Section 3: Analyzing the Connectome 9. Degree, Strength and Their Distributions 10. Centrality and Hubs 11. Components, Cores, Rich-Clubs and Motifs 12. Paths, Triangles, and the Small-World Phenomenon 13. Cost and Efficiency 14. Modularity 15. Null Models 16. Comparing Networks Section 4: Conclusions 17. The Future of Imaging Connectomics

  • ISBN: 978-0-12-407908-3
  • Editorial: Academic Press
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 600
  • Fecha Publicación: 12/09/2015
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés