Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016: Autodesk Official Press

Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016: Autodesk Official Press

Davenport, Cyndy
Voiculescu, Ishka

66,56 €(IVA inc.)

Utilize AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 for a real–world workflow with these expert tricks and tips Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 is a complete, detailed reference and tutorial for Autodesk?s extremely popular and robust civil engineering software. With straightforward explanations, real–world examples, and practical tutorials, this invaluable guide walks you through everything you need to know to be productive. The focus is on real–world applications in professional environments, with all datasets available for download, and thorough coverage helps you prepare for the AutoCAD Civil 3D certification exam with over an hour?s worth of video on crucial tips and techniques. You?ll learn how to navigate the software and use essential tools, and how to put it all together in the context of a real–world project. In–depth discussion covers surveying, alignments, surface, grading, cross sections and more, and instructor support materials provide an ideal resource for training and education. This book will take you from beginner to pro, so you can get the most out of AutoCAD Civil 3D every step of the way. Understand key concepts and get acquainted with the interface Create, edit, and display all elements of a project Learn everything you need to know for the certification exam Download the datasets and start designing right away With expert insight, tips, and techniques, Mastering AutoCAD Civil 3D 2016 helps you become productive from the very beginning. INDICE: Introduction xxiii .Chapter 1 The Basics 1 .The Interface 1 .Toolspace 6 .Panorama 34 .Contextual Ribbon Tab  35 .Civil 3D Templates   36 .Starting New Projects   37 .Importing Styles  40 .Command Settings 43 .Creating Lines 45 .COGO Line Commands 46 .Direction–Based Line Commands   48 .Re–Creating a Deed Using Line Tools 54 .Creating Curves     55 .Standard Curves  56 .Best–Fit Entities   62 .Attaching Multiple Entities     65 .Adding Line and Curve Labels 65 .Using Transparent Commands    66 .Standard Transparent Commands  67 .Matching Transparent Commands  68 .The Bottom Line    70 .Chapter 2 Survey   73 .Setting Up the Databases   73 .Survey Database Defaults 74 .The Equipment Databas e77 .The Figure Prefix Database     78 .The Linework Code Set Database   80 .Configuring Description Keys for Point Import  82 .Creating a Description Key Set 84 .Creating Description Keys     85 .Activating a Description Key Set 88 .Understanding the Survey Database   90 .Working with Survey Networks 98 .Other Methods of Manipulating Survey Data 104 .Other Survey Features    108 .The Astronomic Direction Calculator 108 .The Geodetic Calculator 108 .The Mapcheck Report  109 .The Coordinate Geometry Editor  110 .Using Inquiry Commands 114 .The Bottom Line   117 .Chapter 3 Points  119 .Anatomy of a Point 119 .COGO Points vs Survey Points 120 .Creating Basic Points 121 .Point Settings   121 .Importing Points from a Text File  125 .Converting Points from Non Civil 3D Sources    128 .A Closer Look at the Create Points Toolbar  133 .Basic Point Editing  141 .Graphic Point Edits    141 .Panorama and Prospector Point Edits 142 .Point Groups: Don t Skip This Section! 143 .Changing Point Elevations    148 .Point Tables 150 .User–Defined Properties   151 .The Bottom Line   155 .Chapter 4 Surfaces 157 .Understanding Surface Basics    157 .Creating Surfaces   159 .Creating a Surface with Point Groups 161 .Adding Breaklines     162 .Adding Boundaries    166 .Additional Surface Creation Methods 173 .Surface from LandXML Files  173 .Surface from DEM Files 176 .Surface from GIS Data  180 .Surfaces from Polylines 184 .Refining and Editing Surfaces    187 .Surface Properties     188 .Manual Surface Edits   195 .Surface Analysis    204 .Elevation Banding     204 .Slopes and Slope Arrows     209 .Visibility Checker 211 .Comparing Surfaces 213 .TIN Volume Surface    213 .Labeling the Surface 218 .Contour Labeling 218 .Additional Surface Label Types 220 .Point Cloud Surfaces 223 .Importing a Point Cloud 224 .Working with Point Clouds   227 .Creating a Point Cloud Surface 227 .The Bottom Line   229 .Chapter 5 Parcels 231 .Introduction to Sites 231 .Think Outside of the Lot 231 .Creating a New Site    238 .Creating a Boundary Parcel 240 .Using Parcel Creation Tools   242 .Creating a Right–of–Way Parcel 245 .Adding a Cul–de–Sac Parcel   247 .Creating Subdivision Lot Parcels Using Precise Sizing Tools 250 .Attached Parcel Segments     250 .Parcel Sizing Settings   251 .Parcel Sizing Tools     252 .Editing Parcels by Deleting Parcel Segments   263 .Best Practices for Parcel Creation 265 .Forming Parcels from Segments   265 .Parcels Reacting to Site Objects 266 .Constructing Parcel Segments with the Appropriate Vertices 271 .Labeling Parcel Areas     273 .Labeling Parcel Segments  277 .Labeling Multiple–Parcel Segments 278 .Labeling Spanning Segments  280 .Adding Curve Tags to Prepare for Table Creation  282 .Creating a Table for Parcel Segments 284 .The Bottom Line   286 .Chapter 6 Alignments 287 .Alignment Concepts287 .Alignments and Sites   287 .Alignment Entities     287 .Creating an Alignment    289  .Creating from a Line, Arc, or Polyline 290 .Creating by Layout     296 .Best–Fit Alignments    302 .Reverse and Compound Curve Creation    307 .Creating with Design Constraints and Check Sets  309 .Editing Alignment Geometry    313 .Grip Editing    314 .Tabular Design  315 .Component–Level Editing     317 .Understanding Alignment Constraints     318 .Changing Alignment Components 322 .Alignments as Objects    323 .Alignment Properties  324 .The Right Station 327 .Assigning Design Speeds     330 .Labeling Alignments   332 .Alignment Tables 336 .The Bottom Line   339 .Chapter 7 Profiles and Profile Views   341 .The Elevation Element    341 .Surface Sampling 342 .Layout Profi les  351 .The Best–Fit Profile     363 .Creating a Profile from a File  364 .Editing Profiles   366 .Grip–Editing Profiles   366 .Editing Profiles Using Profile Layout Parameters   367 .Editing Profiles Using Profile Grid View    369 .Component–Level Editing    370 .Other Profile Edits     372 .Profile Views 375 .Creating Profile Views during Sampling    376 .Creating Profile Views Manually  376 .Splitting Views  377 .Editing Profile Views   386 .Profile View Properties 386 .Profile View Labeling Styles   399 .Profile Labels 400 .Applying Labels 401 .Using Profile Label Sets 403 .Profile Utilities     404 .Superimposing Profiles 404 .Projecting Objects in Profile View  405 .Creating a Quick Profile 408 .The Bottom Line   409 .Chapter 8 Assemblies and Subassemblies     411 .Subassemblies     411 .The Tool Palettes 411 .The Corridor Modeling Catalogs   413 .Adding Subassemblies to a Tool Palette     413 .Building Assemblies 414 .Creating a Typical Road Assembly 415 .Subassembly Components    423 .Jumping into Help     424 .Commonly Used Subassemblies   426 .Editing an Assembly   429 .Creating Assemblies for Non–road Uses    432 .Specialized Subassemblies 437 .Using Generic Links   438 .Daylighting with Generic Links   441 .Working with Daylight Subassemblies 442 .Advanced Assemblies     448 .Offset Assemblies 448 .Marked Points Used with Partner Subassemblies  448 .Organizing Your Assemblies     450 .Storing a Customized Subassembly on a Tool Palette     450 .Storing a Completed Assembly on a Tool Palette   452 .The Bottom Line   453 .Chapter 9 Basic Corridors 455 .Understanding Corridors  455 .Recognizing Corridor Components 456 .Working with Corridor Feature Lines 470 .Understanding Targets    476 .Using Target Alignments and Profiles 476 .Editing Sections    483 .Creating a Corridor Surface 486 .The Corridor Surface   486 .Corridor Surface Creation Fundamentals   487 .Adding a Surface Boundary   491 .Performing a Volume Calculation 497 .Building Nonroad Corridors     498 .The Bottom Line   502 .Chapter 10 Advanced Corridors, Intersections, and Roundabouts   505 .Using Multiregion Baselines     505 .Modeling a Cul–de–Sac    508 .Using Multiple Baselines 508 .Establishing EOP Design Profiles  510 .Putting the Pieces Together   512 .Troubleshooting Your Cul–de–Sac  516 .Moving Up to Intersections 518 .Using the Intersection Wizard 520 .Creating Intersections Manually   532 .Troubleshooting Your Intersection 539 .Finishing Off Your Corridor   541 .Using an Assembly Offset 543 .Understanding Corridor Utilities 550 .Using Corridor Utilities in Practice 551 .Using a Feature Line as a Width and Elevation Target 554 .Tackling Roundabouts: The Mount Everest of Corridors     561 .Drainage First   561 .Roundabout Alignments 562 .Center Design   569 .Profiles for All   570 .Tie It All Together 571 .Finishing Touches   572 .The Bottom Line   575 .Chapter 11 Superelevation   577 .Preparing for Superelevation   577 .Critical Stations  577 .Design Criteria Files   579 .Ready Your Alignment 583 .Super Assemblies 583 .Applying Superelevation to the Design 589 .Start with the Alignment   589 .Transition Station Overlap    593 .Calculating Cants for Rail 597 .Preparing for Cants    597 .Creating a Rail Assembly   598 .Applying Cant to the Alignment   600 .Superelevation and Cant Views  601 .Using a Superelevation View to Edit Data   602 .The Bottom Line   605 .Chapter 12 Cross Sections and Mass Haul    607 .Section Workflow   607 .Comparing Sample Lines and Frequency Lines    607 .Creating Sample Lines  608 .Editing the Swath Width of a Sample Line Group  612 .Creating Section Views    615 .Creating a Single–Section View 616 .Creating Multiple Section Views   619 .Section Views and Annotation Scale 621 .Calculating and Reporting Volumes  626 .Computing Materials   628 .Creating a Volume Table in the Drawing    629 .Adding Soil Factors to a Materials List 630 .Generating a Volume Report  632 .Adding Section View Final Touches   632 .Adding Data with Sample More Sources    632 .Adding Cross–Section Labels  633 .Using Mass Haul Diagrams 636 .Taking a Closer Look at the Mass Haul Diagram   636 .Creating a Mass Haul Diagram 637 .Editing a Mass Haul Diagram 639 .The Bottom Line   640 .Chapter 13 Pipe Networks   643 .Setting Up a Pipe Network 643 .Understanding Parts List Waste Water Systems  644 .Planning a Typical Pipe Network  645 .Using Part Rules 646 .Putting Your Parts List Together   654 .Creating a Waste Water Network 658 .Establishing Pipe Network Parameters     659 .Using the Network Layout Creation Tools   660 .Creating a Storm Drainage Pipe Network from a Feature Line     669 .Editing a Pipe Network   671 .Changing Flow Direction   672 .Editing Your Network in Plan View 673 .Using the Pipe Network Vista Effectively   675 .Editing Using the Pipe Networks Contextual Tab  676 .Editing with the Network Layout Tools Toolbar    681 .Creating an Alignment from Network Parts   684 .Drawing Parts in Profile View   686 .Editing Pipe Networks in Profile View Using Grips 688 .Removing a Part from Profile View 690 .Showing Pipes That Cross the Profile View  691 .Adding Pipe Network Labels  693 .Creating a Labeled Pipe Network Profile with Crossings  694 .Using Pipe and Structure Labels   696 .Creating an Interference Check   697 .Creating Pipe Tables 700 .Exploring the Table Creation Dialog 700 .The Table Panel Tools   704 .Setting and Using a Pressure Pipes Network  705 .Pressure Network Parts List   705 .Creating a Pressure Network  710 .Using Design Checks   720 .Understanding Part Builder722 .Part Builder Orientation   724 .Understanding the Organization of Part Builder   724 .Exploring Part Families 727 .Adding a Part Size Using Part Builder 728 .Sharing a Custom Part  731 .Adding an Arch Pipe to Your Part Catalog  731 .The Bottom Line   732 .Chapter 14 Grading   735 .Working with Grading Feature Lines 735 .Accessing Grading Feature–Line Tools 735 .Creating Grading Feature Lines   737 .Editing Feature Line Information  743 .Labeling Feature Lines 767 .Grading Objects    768 .Creating Gradings     769 .Using Gradings for Interim Surfaces 775 .Finishing Touches  778 .The Bottom Line   782 .Chapter 15 Plan Production    785 .Preparing for Plan Sets  785 .Prerequisite Components   785 .Using View Frames and Match Lines  786 .The Create View Frames Wizard   787 .Creating View Frames  795 .Editing View Frames and Match Lines 797 .Creating Plan and Profile Sheets  801 .The Create Sheets Wizard  801 .Managing Sheets 807 .Creating Section Sheets   813 .Creating Multiple Section Views   813 .Creating Section Sheets 818 .Drawing Templates 819 .The Bottom Line   822 .Chapter 16 Advanced Workflows 825 .Data Shortcuts    825 .Getting Started  827 .Setting a Working Folder and Data Shortcut Folder 827 .Creating Data Shortcuts 830 .Creating a Data Reference  832 .Updating References   839 .Sharing Data with a Non Civil 3D World 849 .Delivering DWG Formats     849 .Using LandXML 851 .The Bottom Line   853 .Chapter 17 Quantity Takeoffff   855 .Employing Pay Item Files  855 .Pay Item Favorites     856 .Searching for Pay Items 859 .Keeping Tabs on the Model 863 .AutoCAD Objects as Pay Items 863 .Pricing Your Corridor  865 .Pipes and Structures as Pay Items  870 .Highlighting Pay Items 876 .Inventorying Your Pay Items     878 .The Bottom Line   881 .Chapter 18 Label Styles 883 .Label Styles 883 .General Labels  883 .Frequently Seen Tabs   884 .General Note Labels    899 .Point Label Styles 902 .Line and Curve Labels    906 .Single Segment Labels  906 .Spanning Segment Labels     907 .Curve Labels    908 .Pipe and Structure Labels 911 .Pipe Labels 911 .Structure Labels 913 .Profi le and Alignment Labels    917 .Label Sets 917 .Alignment Labels 918 .Advanced Style Types     935 .Table Styles     936 .Code Set Styles  938 .The Bottom Line   950 .Chapter 19 Object Styles 951 .Getting Started with Object Styles 951 .Frequently Seen Tabs   954 .General Settings 957 .Point and Marker Object Styles 958 .Creating Linear Object Styles  962 .Alignment Styles 964 .Parcel Styles  966 .Feature Line Styles   966 .Creating Surface Styles  967 .Contour Styles   968 .Triangles and Points Surface Styles 972 .Analysis Styles  975 .Creating Pipe and Structure Styles 979 .Pipe Styles 979 .Structure Styles  986 .Creating Profile View Styles  990 .Profile View Bands   998 .Creating Section View Styles  1001 .Group Plot Styles   1003 .The Bottom Line  1007 .Appendix A The Bottom Line 1009 .Chapter 1: The Basics  1009 .Chapter 2: Survey 1011 .Chapter 3: Points  1014 .Chapter 4: Surfaces 1017 .Chapter 5: Parcels 1020 .Chapter 6: Alignments   1023 .Chapter 7: Profiles and Profile Views 1026 .Chapter 8: Assemblies and Subassemblies    1030 .Chapter 9: Basic Corridors 1031 .Chapter 10: Advanced Corridors, Intersections, and Roundabouts   1034 .Chapter 11: Superelevation 1035 .Chapter 12: Cross Sections and Mass Haul  1038 .Chapter 13: Pipe Networks 1040 .Chapter 14: Grading   1043 .Chapter 15: Plan Production  1046 .Chapter 16: Advanced Workflows 1049 .Chapter 17: Quantity Takeoff 1050 .Chapter 18: Label Styles  1052 .Chapter 19: Object Styles 1055 .Appendix B Certification 1059 .Index 1063

  • ISBN: 978-1-119-05974-5
  • Editorial: Sybex
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 1128
  • Fecha Publicación: 24/08/2015
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés