The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies

The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies

Darling–Wolf, Fabienne

146,54 €(IVA inc.)

This reference details the innovative and dynamic nature of current research methods in media studies with contributions from a diverse, international group of scholars. • Examines both theory and practice with an emphasis on the recent expansion and diversification of media studies • Covers quantitative and qualitative methods, paying particular attention to the ways in which they overlap and inform one another • Focuses on emerging research methods while underscoring the continuing importance of historical antecedents • Explores the impact of new, increasingly transnational technologies on the study of media • Argues that current research must transcend methodological boundaries and develop interdisciplinary approaches for studying media • Available as a stand–alone reference or as the seventh volume of The International Encyclopedia of Media Studies INDICE: Table of Contents  Notes on Contributors  Media Studies  Angharad N. Valdivia  Convergence, globalization, technological development and interdisciplinarity in a fast–evolving world: The formidable question of method Fabienne Darling–Wolf, Temple University (USA) PART 1: SETTING UP THE STAGE 1. Research Paradigms in Media Studies: Conceptual Distinctions or Divisions? Slavko Splichal, University of Ljubljana, (Slovenia) and Peter Dahlgren, , (Sweden)  2. The Challenge of Media Research Ethics Kevin Healey, University of New Hampshire (USA) PART 2: WORKING WITH PEOPLE 3. Doing Survey Research in Media Studies Suman Mishra, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (USA) 4. Beyond the Qualitative/Quantitative ‘Divide’: Reflections On The Utility and Challenges of Q Methodology for Media Researchers Carolyn Michelle, The University of Waikato (New Zealand) and Charles H. Davis, Ryerson University (Canada) 5. The interview: A process of Qualitative Inquiry Sue Robinson, The University of Wisconsin–Madison (USA) 6. Research Methods in Media Studies. Mike Conway, Indiana University (USA) 7. Memories of Films and Cinema Going in Monterrey, Mexico: A Critique and Review of In–Depth Interviews as a Methodological Strategy in Audience Studies Lorena Frankenberg, Universidad Metropolitana de Monterrey (Mexico) and Jose–Carlos Lozano, Texas A&M International University at Laredo (USA) 8. Conducting Media Ethnographies in Africa Tanja Bosch, University of Cape Town (South Africa) 9. Autoethnography in media studies: Digitalization of Television in Finland or Carrying Home Cardboard Boxes Johanna Uotinen, University of Eastern Finland (Finland) 10. The Basics of Experimental Research Glenn Leshner, University of Missouri (USA) 11. Between–Subjects Experimental Design and Analysis Kim Bissell, University of Alabama (USA) PART 3: WORKING WITH TEXTS 12. Using a Mixed Approach to Content Analysis: The Case of Modern Presidential Rhetoric Rico Neumann, University for Peace (Costa Rica) and Kevin Coe, University of Utah (USA) 13. Lessons learned from a research saga: An ambitious content analysis of television form Matthew Lombard, Temple University (USA) 14. Text–Based Approaches to Qualitative Research: An overview of methods, process, and ethics Sara McKinnon, University of Wisconsin (USA) 15. Analyzing Text: The Cultural Discourse in Ethnic Food Reviews Elfriede Fürsich, Boston College (USA) 16. Cultural History and Media Studies Richard Popp, University of Wisconsin–Milwaukee (USA) 17. Historical approaches to media studies Mark Hampton, Lingnan University (Hong Kong) 18. Film Analysis James Walters, University of Birminghan (UK) 19. Eyetracking in Media Studies: Theory, Method, and its Exemplary Application in Analyzing Shock–Inducing Advertisements Stephanie Geise, University of Erfurt (Germany) 20. Exploring Visual Aspects of Audience Membership: Media Studies and Photovoice David Novak, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands) and Tonny Krijnen, Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Netherlands) PART 4: VIRTUAL CHALLENGES INTERDISCIPLINARY AND MIXED METHOD RESEARCH 21. The Methodology of Online News Analysis: A Quantitative Approach to Ephemeral Media Helle Sjøvaag and Eirik Stavelin, University of Bergen (Norway) 22. Digital Ethnography and Media Practices Elisenda Ardevol, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (Spain) and Edgar Gomez–Cruz, University of Leeds (UK) 23. Clicks and bricks: Methods and strategies for measuring the effects of similar virtual and physical activity  Lillian Spina–Caza, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA) 24. Exploring TV and movie music effects on childhood Amparo Porta, Universidad Jaume I (Spain) 25. Latino Diaspora and the Media. Interdisciplinary Approaches to Understanding Transnationalism and Communication in Global Cities Jéssica Retis, California State University Northridge (USA)

  • ISBN: 978-1-118-73357-8
  • Editorial: Wiley–Blackwell
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 688
  • Fecha Publicación: 24/01/2014
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés