Democratic Empire: The United States Since 1945

Democratic Empire: The United States Since 1945

Cullen, Jim

39,31 €(IVA inc.)

A brief survey of U.S. history since the end of World War II, focusing on popular beliefs, fears, and hopes that have shaped American culture and history over the last eight decades. Explores the ways in which the American people s perceptions of power were as  significant as the realities of that power, and how popular beliefs shaped the events of post–WWII America Gives particular attention to mass media, the fine arts, and intellectual currents, exploring their role in American society Features Culture Watch chapter sidebars, which help students delve into particular classic works of American culture Intermixes political and social history along with cultural history to provide a comprehensive narrative INDICE: Acknowledgments .Prelude: The Imperial Logic of the American Dream .Part I / The Postwar Decades .Chapter 1 / Victory and Anxiety: World War and Cold War, 1945–1962 .From Colony to Colonizer: American Rise to Globalism .The Wages of War: Triumph over Germany and Japan .First Frost: Dawn of the Cold War .Seeing Red: The Cold War at Home .Playing with Dominoes: Cold War Proxy Fights .Cold War Showdown: Cuba .Culture Watch: The Man in the Gray Flannel Suit (1955/56) .Chapter 2 / Conformity and Rebellion: American Culture and Politics, 1945–1963 .The Best Worst Time: Early Postwar Years .Boom! The Postwar Economy Explodes .Rising Suburbs: Life on the Crabgrass Frontier .Restless in the Promised Land: Suburbia s Critics .Free Movement: Early Civil Rights Struggles .Big Bangs: Fifties Youth Culture .Culture Watch: A Raisin in the Sun (1959) .Part II / The Long Sixties .Chapter 3 / Confidence and Agitation: The American Empire at High Tide, 1960–1965 .Dishing: The Kitchen Debate as Domestic Squabble .American Prince: JFK .Grand Expectations: The Birth of the Sixties .Overcoming: The Civil Rights Movement Crests .Voices: Popular Culture of the Early Sixties .Countercurrents: Civil Rights Skeptics .Lone Star Rising: The LBJ Moment .Flanking Maneuver: Johnson in Vietnam .Fissures: Democratic Fault Lines .Culture Watch: The Times They Are a–Changin (1962) .Chapter 4 / Fulfillment and Anger: The American Empire in Conflict, 1965–1974 .Over the Moon: Winning the Space Race .Imperial Quagmire: The Vietnam Wars .Down from the Mountaintop: The Civil Rights Movement .Turning Point: 1968 .Right Rising: The Return of Richard Nixon .Women s Work: The Feminist Movement .Rainbows: Rights Revolutions .Grim Peace: Endgame in Vietnam .Crooked Justice: The Triumph and Fall of Nixon .Culture Watch: Easy Rider (1969) .Chapter 5 / Experimentation and Exhaustion: Political Culture of the Sixties, 1965–1974 .The Great Divide: Establishment and Counterculture .(de)Construction Sites: The Rise of Postmodernism .System Failure: The Reorganization of Hollywood .Medium Dominant: Television .Fit Print: Publishing .Kingdom of Rebels: The Reign of Rock .Culture Watch: Chuckles the Clown Bites the Dust, The Mary Tyler Moore Show (1975) .Interlude .Chapter 6 / Reassessment and Nostalgia: The American Empire at Bay, 1973–1981 .1973: Hinge of American History .Apocalypse Now: The New Gloom .Depressingly Decent: Ford and Carter .Solitary Refinement: The Me Decade .Body Politics: Gender and Its Discontents .Rebellion and Revival: Pop Culture of the Late Seventies .Right Signal: The Conservative Turn .Culture Watch: Taxi Driver (1976) .Part III / Indian Summer .Chapter 7 / Revival and Denial: The American Empire on Borrowed Time 1981–1991 .Right Man: The Age of Reagan .Making the Cut: Reaganomics .Breaking Ice: Reagan and the Cold War .Headwinds: Second Term Blues .For God s Sake: Social Conservatives .Left Ahead: The Legacy of the Sixties in the Eighties .Swan Song: Reagan and the Soviets .41: The (First) Bush Years .Freely Intervening: U.S. as Sole Superpower .Culture Watch: The House on Mango Street (1984) .Chapter 8 / Innovation and Sentiment: The Culture of the Eighties, 1981–1991 .Small Transformations: The Rise of the Personal Computer .Consuming Pleasures: Old Fashions, New Gadgets .Seeing Music: MTV .Yo! Black Culture and the Birth of Hip–Hop .Bourne in the USA: Dissident Voices .Culture Watch: The Message (1982) .Chapter 9 / Distraction and Prosperity: The Post–Cold War Era, 1992–2001 .Opposing Justice: The Hill–Thomas Imbroglio .Not Black & White: The Changing Colors of Race .Thug Life: Gangsta Rap .Running Saga: The O.J. Simpson Case .Family Matters: Demography and the Assault on Patriarchy .Culture War: The Fall of George Bush .Comeback Kid: The Rises and Falls of Bill Clinton .La Vida Loca: The Roaring Nineties .Tech Sec: Toward the Internet .Recount: The 2000 Election .Culture Watch: Exile in Guyville (1993) .Part IV / Present Tense .Chapter 10 / Comfort and Dread: The American Empire in Decline, 2001– .Towering Collapse: 9/11 .Unknown Unknowns: The Iraq War .Spending Resources: The Debt Society .Bushed: Second–Term Blues .Downloading: 21st Century Pop Culture .Posting: Web 2.0 .Freely Unequal: The Tottering U.S. Economy .Audacious Hopes: The Rise of Barack Obama .Future History: The Past as Present .Culture Watch: Made in America, The Sopranos (2007) .Postlude: The Ends of the American Century .Notes .Index

  • ISBN: 978-1-119-02734-8
  • Editorial: John Wiley & Sons
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 360
  • Fecha Publicación: 10/05/2016
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés