Paragraphs and essays: with integrated readings

Paragraphs and essays: with integrated readings

Brandon, Lee
Brandon, Kelly

47,01 €(IVA inc.)

INDICE: Student Overview. The Flow of Writing: Icon and Theme. Practice with Principles. Strategies for Self-Improvement. Writing Process Worksheet. PART I: LINKING READING AND WRITING. 1. Reading for Writing. Text-Based and Reading-Related Writing. Types of Writing. Kinds of Support for Text-Based Writing.Basic Documentation in Text-Based Writing. Documentation in Action. Student Documented Paragraph. Student Text-Based Essay: Joseph Ponca, "Listening to theAir [Guitar]". Essay and Applications: Elizabeth Wong, "The Struggle to Be anAll-American Girl". Journal Writing. Cross-Curricular and Career-Related Writing. Writer's Guidelines. PART II: THE WRITING PROCESS. 2. The Writing Process: Stage One: Exploring / Experimenting / Gathering Information. The Writing Process Defined. The Writing Process Worksheet. The Assignment. Your Audience. Stage One Strategies. Writer's Guidelines. 3. The Writing Process: Stage Two: Writing the Controlling Idea / Organizing and Developing Support. Defining the Controlling Idea. Writing the Controlling Idea as a Topic Sentence or Thesis. Organizing Support. Writer's Guidelines. 4. The Writing Process: Stage Three: Writing / Revising / Editing. Writing the First Draft. Revising. Editing. Student Demonstration of All Stages of the Writing Process. Writer's Guidelines. 5. Writing the Paragraph. The Paragraph Defined. Basic Paragraph Patterns. The Writing Process and the Paragraph. Student Demonstration of All Stages of the Writing Process. Writer's Guidelines. 6. Writing the Essay. The Essay Defined in Relation to the Developmental Paragraph. Special Paragraphs Within the Essay. Student Demonstration of All Stages of the Writing Process. Writer's Guidelines. PART III: WRITING PARAGRAPHS AND ESSAYS: INSTRUCTION, WITH INTEGRATED READING SELECTIONS. 7. Descriptive Narration: Moving Through Space and Time. Writing Descriptive Narration. Descriptive Patterns. Practicing Narrative Patterns. Practicing Descriptive Patterns. Finding Patterns in Photos. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: Gary Soto, "One More Time". Essays: N. Scott Momaday, "The Story of a Well-Made Shield"; Gina Greenlee, "No Tears for Frankie"; Judith Ortiz Cofer, "More". Student Paragraphs, Essay, and Report: Chantra Shastri, "Yearning for Love"; Mike Kavanagh, "The Drag"[with stages]; Text-Based: Adam Rensky, "Rituals as Comfort Food for the Soul"; Career-Related: Douglas Ross, "Incident Report of the Falling Shoppers". Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Descriptive Narration. Writer's Guidelines. 8. Exemplification: Writing with Examples. Writing Exemplification. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Exemplification. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: David Levine, "Dropping Way Out". Essays: Eric Gall, "Little Brother Is Watching"; Adair Lara, "Who's Cheap?"; José Antonio Burciaga, "Tortillas"; Maya Angelou, "Liked for Myself". Student Paragraph and Essays: Garabed Yegavian, "Traveling the World at Home";Lara Olivas, "Cheating Is Not Worth the Bother" [with stages]; Text-Based: Mason Arnold, "Grading a Professor's Writing". Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Exemplification. Writer's Guidelines. 9. Analysis by Division: Examining the Parts. Writing Analysis by Division. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Analysis by Division. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraphs: Jerry Bratcher, "Golden Oldies"; Leonard Engel, "The Zones of the Sea". Essay and Restaurant Review: Michael D. Lemonich, "Designer Babies"; Joyce Gallagher, "Dining at Mexican Fiesta". Student Paragraph and Essays: Nancy Samuels, "More Than Ordinary" [with stages]; Text-Based: Emmett Davis, "Elvis Presley, King of the Twentieth Century"; Career-Related: Roger Myers, "Air Traffic Control as a Career". Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Analysis by Division. Writer's Guidelines. 10. Process Analysis: Writing About Doing. Writing Process Analysis. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Process Analysis. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraphs: Florence H. Pettit, "How to Sharpen a Knife"; L. Rust Hills, "How to Eat an Ice-Cream Cone". Essays: Garrison Keillor, "Attitude"; Geraldine Baum, "Flirting Fundamentals"; Career-Related: C. Edward Good and William Fitzpatrick, "A Successful Interview" Student Paragraph and Essay: Text-Based: Larry Gardner, "A Summary of 'How Low-Balling Works on Your Mind'"; Career-Related: Tina Sergio, "Doing a Flame Hair Tattoo" [with stages]. Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Process Analysis. Writer's Guidelines. 11. Cause and Effect: Determining Reasons and Outcomes. Writing Cause and Effect. Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Cause and Effect. Readings for Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraphs: Anne Roiphe, "Why Marriages Fail"; Marian Wright Edelman, "Family Heroes and Role Models". Short Story: Irwin Shaw, "The Girls in Their Summer Dresses". Three Views on Violence: Francis Flaherty, "The Ghetto Made Me Do It"; Judy Sheindlin and Josh Getlin, "Enough Is Enough"; Student Essay: Shandra Morgan, "Kick Me! Kiss Me!" StudentParagraph and Essays: Richard Blaylock, "The Classroom and Beyond" [with stages]; Gloria Mendez, "The Use of Self-Analysis"; Career-Related: Glen Dollar, "A Time to Talk and a Time to Shut Up". Suggested Topics and Prompts for Writing Cause and Effect. Writer's Guidelines. 12. Classification: Establishing Groups. Writing Classification. Student Paragraph: José Morales, "Sorting Them Out". Finding Patterns in Photos. Practicing Patterns of Classification. Readingsfor Critical Thinking, Discussion, and Writing. Paragraph: William M. Pride, Robert J. Hughes, and Jack R. Kapoor, "Styles of Leadership". Essays: Robert J. Trotter, "How Do I Love Thee?"; Avi Friedman, "Living Environments"; Mary Ann Hogan, "Nag! Nag! Nag Stop! Stop!" Student Paragraph and Essa

  • ISBN: 978-0-495-89879-5
  • Editorial: Heinle & Heinle
  • Encuadernacion: Rústica
  • Páginas: 544
  • Fecha Publicación: 31/01/2010
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés