Entering research: workshops for students beginning research in science

Entering research: workshops for students beginning research in science

Branchaw, Janet L.
Pfund, Christine
Rediske, Raelyn

27,41 €(IVA inc.)

The 'Entering Research' workshops offer a mechanism to structure the independent research experience, and help students overcome the challenges of being new to research, or belonging to a group that is underrepresented in research. This text is especially useful for students whose experience with science has been primarily in the classroom. INDICE: PART I ENTERING RESEARCH: SESSION BY SESSION - Finding a Research Mentor - Introduction to the Workshop Series and Finding a Research Mentor - The Nature of Science - Searching the Literature for Scientific Articles - Reading Scientific Articles and Mentoring Styles - Your Research Group's Focus - Establishing Goals and Expectations with Your Mentor - Who's Who in Your Research Group - Documenting Your Research - Defining Your Hypothesis or Research Question - Designing Your Experiments - Research Proposal Review Draft #1 - Research Proposal Review Draft #2 - Final Research Proposal Presentations - Final Research Proposal Presentations (continued) - PART II ENTERING RESEARCH: SESSION BY SESSION - Introduction to the Workshop Series and Science Communication - Research Project Outlines and Scientific Abstracts - Research Project Outlines and Scientific Abstracts (continued) - Science and Society - Peer Review of General Public Abstracts - Research Ethics - Making Effective Scientific Presentations - Research Careers - Presentation Peer Review Draft #1 - Presentation Outside Review Draft #2 - Final Presentations - The Future of Your Project: Funding/Grants - Mini-Grant Proposal Peer Review 2 - Research Experience Reflections and Celebration - Appendix - Facilitating, Not Teaching: Some Practical Tips - Discussion Guidelines for Students - Entering Research Part I Sample Syllabus - Entering Research Part II Sample Syllabus - Sample 10-Week Summer Syllabus - Syllabi for Entering Research and Entering Mentoring in Parallel - Sample One-Day Workshop Agenda -

  • ISBN: 978-1-4292-5857-9
  • Editorial: WH Freeman
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 279
  • Fecha Publicación: 09/02/2011
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Desconocido