Ethical and Legal Issues in Neurology: Handbook of Clinical Neurology Series 3 (edited by Aminoff, Boller and Swaab)

Ethical and Legal Issues in Neurology: Handbook of Clinical Neurology Series 3 (edited by Aminoff, Boller and Swaab)

Bernat, James L.
Beresford, Richard

208,00 €(IVA inc.)

Advances in our understanding of the brain and rapid advances in the medical practice of neurology are creating questions and concerns from an ethical and legal perspective. Ethical and Legal Issues in Neurology provides a detailed review of various general aspects of neuroethics, and contains chapters dealing with a vast array of specific issues such as the role of religion, the ethics of invasive neuroscience research, and the impact of potential misconduct in neurologic practice. The book focuses particular attention on problems related to palliative care, euthanasia, dementia, and neurogenetic disorders, and concludes with examinations of consciousness, personal identity, and the definition of death. This volume focuses on practices not only in North America but also in Europe and the developing world. It is a useful resource for all neuroscience and neurology professionals, researchers, students, scholars, practicing clinical neurologists, mental health professionals, and psychiatrists. A comprehensive introduction and reference on neuroethicsIncludes coverage of how best to understand the ethics and legal aspects of dementia, palliative care, euthanasia and neurogenetic disordersBrings clarity to issues regarding ethics and legal responsibilities in the age of rapidly evolving brain science and related clinical practice INDICE: 1.  Ethical principles and concepts in medicine2.  Analysis and resolution of ethical problems3.  Hospital bioethics committees and consultants4.  Legal principles and concepts in medicine5.  Legal process, litigation, and judicial decisions6.  Ethics, law and the neurologist7.  Religion and medical ethics8.  Professional conduct and misconduct9.  Medical error and disclosure10. Professionalism in medicine11. Palliative care in chronic neurological illness12. Palliative care in the dying neurological patient13. Withdrawing & withholding life-sustaining treatment14. European perspectives on ethics and law in end-of-life care15. Medical futility16. Assisted suicide and euthanasia17. Brain death18. Coma and disorders of consciousness19. Neurologically imperiled neonates20. States of paralysis with intact cognition21. Dementia22. Developmental impairment23. Neurogenetic disorders24. Technology assessment25. Medical cost and quality and practice guidelines26. Public policy and healthcare systems27. Research involving human subjects28. Clinical research in the developing world29. The ethics of invasive neuroscience research30. The ethics of neuro-enhancement31. Ethical issues in research neuroethics32. Legal issues in research neuroethics33. Social issues in neuroethics34. Neurophilosophy of consciousness 35. Neurophilosophy of personal identity36. The definition of death

  • ISBN: 978-0-444-53501-6
  • Editorial: Elsevier
  • Encuadernacion: Cartoné
  • Páginas: 472
  • Fecha Publicación: 13/12/2013
  • Nº Volúmenes: 1
  • Idioma: Inglés